
  • Roads Chair/Interim Leader/Communication and Co-ordination: Stephanie Fairclough
  • Advisors: Tom Norton, Keith Renfrew
  • Road Repaving: Will Porter
  • Vegetation Control: Scott Hufford

The committee is responsible for the infrastructure supporting ingress and egress to the Community.
All work is prioritized using the following levels:

  1. Issues impacting safety within the Community
  2. Road maintenance including potholes, roadbed failures, graveling shoulders, etc.
  3. Ditching and weed/brush clearing
  4. Major road improvement projects

Presentation for Annual Meeting 2024.

Roads Chair/Interim Leader, Stephanie Fairclough, presented new structure for Roads Committee and planning for the future.

Click HERE to see the presentation.


Presentation for 2023 Annual Meeting

Chairman, Will Porter, presented:

  • Review of recent work done in advance of this summer’s major projects.
  • Reviewed detailed plan for September 2023 paving.
  • Request from a community member to see if the Roads committee could widen the hill road: the Roads committee is looking for ways to include at least one turnout but has determined it would be cost-prohibitive to dig further into the hill to do more than turnouts for widening.

Click HERE to see the presentation

Presentation for 2022 Annual meeting

New Chairman Will Porter presented accomplishments and plans for 2022.

Click HERE to see the presentation

Presentation for 2021 Annual meeting

Chairman Dave Spenser presented accomplishments for 2020 and plans for 2021.

Click HERE to see the presentation

Presentation for 2020 Annual meeting

The new chairman Dave Spenser presented accomplishments for 2019 and plans for 2020.

Click HERE to see the presentation

Presentation for 2019 Annual meeting

Tom was out of town and had asked Keith to make the presentation. Sadly Keith had laryngitis and was unable to talk! Rod filled in.

Click HERE to see the presentation

Presentation for 2018 Annual meeting

Tom discussed verbally what was done in 2017 and what is planned in 2018. No foils available.

Presentation for 2017 Annual meeting

Tom discussed what was done in 2016 and what is planned in 2017. Click HERE for the tentative plans and their costs.

Presentation for 2013 Annual meeting

Mark filling in for Terry first discussed what was done in 2012 and what is planned in 2013. Report

He next showed a map of pothole and shoulder work. Map

Several members took the floor to thank the committee for their work on the potholes.

Activities in 2010:

  • Recovering the ditch and putting in new culvert to alleviate drainage issues around Kitchen property. Several large cottonwood trees that were infringing on the ditch line have been removed. Glen has cleaned out some of the ditch starting at the mailboxes and working west. He has also lowered the ditch depth from his driveway west. The new 24″ culvert has been purchased and will be installed when the weather is drier in spring/summer of 2011.
  • The pothole issues on 241st continue to be a problem. Due in large part to water drainage off the hill and up through our pavement the road has deteriorated badly. The best solution appears to be to dig a ditch along the east side of 241st and put in a good french drain. It is hoped this will divert water away from the road. A major issue has arisen in that all utility lines run right up the ditch line we wish to improve. As a temporary solution the team is cleaning out the large potholes and will try laying paving blocks and sand into them. This may allow the water to seep up through the pavers yet provide a stable surface to drive over. Work in this area will continue in 2011.
  • Keith Renfrew and Tod Ray have been diligent in using cold-patch to fill in small potholes as they appear.
  • The team addressed the issue of snow removal and icing, especially on the hill road. After much discussion it was agreed that severe snow episodes are just not frequent enough to warrant the purchasing of snow removal equipment. Icing however does occur almost every year. We have now purchased a spreader that fits onto the back of a pickup. This spreader will be used to apply de-icing material that should keep the road much more drive-able in these cold periods.
  • Removing brush from along the roads is an ongoing volunteer effort.
  • There is beginning to be signs that our roads are deteriorating at a faster pace that in the past. They are after all 25 years old and have had only minor maintenance. We now have at least 5 “watch” areas that may need major resurfacing in the near future. The cost of this will be considerable, estimated to be in the range of $15,000 or more for each. Additional revenue will be needed if we are going to address this issue.

There are a number of planned activities for 2007 including:

  • Major road repair and repaving has been contracted and should be completed in the spring
  • Ditch and re-establish the shoulder along 164th where water is present year round
  • Paint the crosswalks at the 3-way stop.
  • Install 3 additional YIELD signs.
  • Remove the abandoned pickup on the well road.

A great deal of work was accomplished in 2006 including:

  • Construction of a pedestrian bypass walkway at the 3-way stop. This was a safety issue.
  • The fence on the north side of SE 165th St. (at the 3-way stop) was moved back from the roadway about 5 feet thereby greatly improving visibility at the intersection.
  • Sign improvements. A “No Outlet” sign was installed at the main entrance. A missing STOP sign was replaced and 4 new YIELD signs were installed.
  • Various potholes were patched.
  • Throughout the year volunteers have cut brush back from the roadway.