2019 Annual Meeting Minutes

2019 Annual Meeting


There was a very large number of residents in attendance, possibly the largest ever.  68 people were at the meeting.  58 of the 79 members (73%) were represented either in person or by proxy.

President’s introduction to the meeting:

Mark announced that he has been elected Board President.  He then reviewed the duties of the Board of Trustees such as how committees carry out all the work, what, when and how money is spent by the Board, and  the  purpose of the Annual meeting which is to summarize and share decisions. 

Candidate Statements and Board Elections

Three Board members up for re-election = Sharon Ayers, Vivienne Gevers, and Marc Sanders

Three community members nominated for Board openings = Lacey Thompson, Ed Trumbull, and George Wittern.

A concern regarding a conflict of interest related to one of the candidates for the Board was raised.  A discussion ensued and the candidate made a statement.  Resolution came when it was pointed out that after hearing from all candidates, members could make a decision by voting. 


Financial:  Rod Case

The report was shown as a PowerPoint slide.  Attendees were also given a printed summary for their review.  When asked if anyone had any questions – there were no responses.  That ended the report. 

Community Property: Janelle Wells 

Click HERE to see the presentation

A summary of the year’s activities included noting the new plantings at the front entrance and a community wide survey conducted to get input on additional ideas and suggestions.  Results indicated that 90% of survey respondents were interested in making future improvements to the community park.  The top two amenities identified were the addition of a kids’ play area and sport court.  The survey also indicated a willingness among community members to pay extra for these amenities.  The Community Property Committee is now in the process of working through and conducting research on a two phase plan.  Phase One has an estimated price tag of $12,000 and includes addressing water drainage issues and seeding and leveling of the playfield.  At this point there is no general interest in a community garden, so it will be removed.  These items will happen in 2019 through 2021.  Phase Two includes the kids’ play area, sport court and additional beautification with an installation date of 2021 or later.  Funding sources for Phase 2 are pending. Ongoing activities for 2019 are:  Getting bids for lawn mowing in 2019 and recruiting volunteers to maintain the new front entrance plantings, and assist with some neighborhood cleanup projects.  In particular volunteers are being sought for a work party to remove blackberries at the front entrance, re-gravel the parking lot and paint the gazebo trim.  Feedback to the presentation was as follows:

·         A compliment was given as to how the committee has divided the tasks needed into manageable portions.

·         A concern was addressed about the bus stop and it was suggested it might need to be improved.  One idea that seemed to have universal appeal was to enlarge the parking lot and add an additional driveway.

·         A suggestion was made on ways to add gravel…there’s no drainage so it was mentioned that we will need a proposal to fix that.

Communication Committee:  Janelle Wells

Click HERE to see the presentation

Janelle reviewed the topics and sources of items disseminated to residents.  Some, but not all of these topics are:

·         Neighborhood update

·         Events and Work parties

·         Annual meetings

·         Newsletters

·         Surveys

·         Water Shutoffs

·         Road Repairs

·         Fire-Life-Safety

Communication Channels are:

·         Facebook

·         Email – Mail Chimp

·         Website

·         Phone Calls

·         Readerboard

·         US Mail

Janelle shared statistics showing the percentage residents are using these different modes of communication.  Eighty-eight percent of the neighborhood uses email (and reads them) followed by 56% on Facebook.  If you feel you are not in the loop; contact communications@four-lakes.org

Water System Report:  Evan Lurton

Click HERE to see the presentation

·         DoH Licensed Operator – We are required to have a State licensed operator. 

2018 Water System Water Availability

·         We were on the generator for a whole week during February of 2019.  We did not have any interruptions in service other than those planned for maintenance and new equipment installation.  Notifications to the community of planned interruptions were made on the Bulletin Board and Facebook.  We will continue this method of notification.

Water Quality and Usage

·         We have really, really, really good water.  We passed the water test.  This year we did nitrates and copper.  They passed. 

·         Our usage is up about 6-7% higher than last year at 25, 511 gallons per day in 2018. 


·         We are required to stress conservation of water during the summer and to stop leaks.  We don’t see a lot of people wasting water in our neighborhood.   Key thing to remember for our system is that we are not a large system.  If everyone jumps on at the same time—the water pressure drops in homes.  This is particularly true of the summer months.

·         We recommend that you avoid watering during the middle of the day

System Maintenance and Upgrades

·       During the last 12 years, we’ve been installing a state mandated water use efficiency meter system.  With all the installations we’ve completed it has enabled our ability to detect and locate leaks. This summer we have the last 11 installations to do.

·         Next steps will be to begin monitoring water usage and our goal is to aim for a 10% reduction in system leakage.  

Lakes:  Steve Scott

Click HERE to see the presentation

Overall the lakes are in good shape.  In early to mid 2018 we entered into a contract with AquaTechnex for monthly algae treatments of Osprey Lake from June to September.  In Mid to late 2018 Osprey Lake was treated for algae and tested for coliform and nutrients.  In December we found some blue green algae which can be potentially toxic.  It was pretty dense and didn’t respond well to treatment.   The Proposal for 2019 is to treat Osprey Lake with a series of monthly treatments. Treatments are not injurious to wildlife.  Will test sediments for phosphorous as it contributes to blooms.  Treatment fees and permanent fees to state are the expenses for the year.

The committee needs volunteers to help clean up beaver detritus on Osprey Community Property and to control blackberries and other weeds.  Steve announced that he will be leaving us and there is a very big need for someone to step up to help with this very important resource in our neighborhood.

Emergency Preparedness:  Mark Anderson

Click HERE to see the presentation

The committee was formed about 12 years ago.  We came up with a color coded map system with emergency planning Zones with designated captains.  We had a drill in October in which about 18 families participated and explained the radio communication system. 

The committee conducts semi annual preparedness drills and works in partnership with the Roads Committee to keep the roads passable during adverse weather conditions.  Mark made a special note to warn residents of the dangers of downed power lines due to the strength and number of winter storms we have experienced leading to downed trees and lines.  DON’T TOUCH THEM and stay at least 20’ away!  Mark stated that he is looking for a volunteer to step up and lead the Emergency Preparedness Committee with him taking on the President role.

Roads:  Rod Case (for Tom Norton)

Click HERE to see the presentation

2018 Accomplishments (note – This committee wants more volunteers…Keith and Tom are retiring and need someone to take their places.)    Last year the road at intersection of 167th and 239th was resurfaced.  A French drain was installed and the road resurfaced at a section of 241st (the cul-de-sac-road).  Other areas resurfaced were: the north radius of the entrance, the culvert cut on 162nd.  In addition gravel was applied to some road shoulders and we trimmed brush.

This year they will resurface a section of 162nd by Evan Lurton’s and widen the road there and add additional gravel along the loop road along with ongoing pothole repair and brush cutting. 

Hospitality : Sharon Ayers (Co-chair is Nina Hufford)

Highlighted the need to hear from anyone who thinks their neighbor is new to the community.  Shared information disseminated to new people including the letter from the Board of Trustees.  This committee also provides support as follows:

·         Gathers and shares contact information for the Directory and for the Communication Committee

·         Provides Map your Neighborhood packets in support of the Emergency Preparedness Committee

·         Disseminates car stickers to support neighborhood security—she welcomes the neighbors with kids.  I also support Mark with Safety and have extra Map your neighborhood packets along with stickers for your car.  Security feature.  Newbies get a gift and information and how the neighborhood works.  Open to suggestions. 

Entertainment :  Nina Hufford

 There are three main events:

Easter Egg Hunt

·         This event typically has 40-60 kids each year (grand kids are welcome) in attendance.  The committee could use volunteers to help stuff the plastic Easter eggs used for the hunt. 

 Fall Festival

·         This is the biggest event of the year.  There is a band and there are many additional activities including a chili cook off, pumpkins and games. 

 Turkey Bowl  

·         This is another big family event complete with family friendly Flag Football.  Volunteers are always needed and welcomed.

 Legal:  Terry Deschenes – No report

Security :  See new business

New Business

Recent Snow Storm –

Brian and Lacey Thompson led an effort to get the community roads plowed during the storm.   Several folks shared their experiences and provided ideas on how to move forward.  The contribution by Glen Kitchin was noted and it was announced that the Board will contribute to Brian and Lacey to help defray their costs as well as to Glen.  After lengthy discussion, it was decided to develop a list of two or three names of businesses to plow the roads.  These people would be contacted in the event we have another storm of this magnitude.  The Board will also look into the purchase of a truck and plow.

Security –

It was noted that a chairperson is needed for this committee.  Lacey Thompson volunteered to take this on.  Volunteers were recruited to work on this committee to research possible options.  A comment and suggestion was made to research the gate issue thoroughly to avoid divisive conflict in the community.   It was also noted that 25 years ago the neighborhood looked at putting in speed bumps.  They did their research, answered the tough questions, got the data, got a quorum and took a vote.  It was recommended that this process be followed.

Community parking lot and usage –

There was a general discussion about the use of the parking lot and how to accommodate residents who might need to park for a short period of time as opposed to abandoned vehicles.  It was also noted that parents needed room to maneuver their vehicles as they pick up and drop off kids for the school bus.  The discussion resulted in the following policy:

·         Residents can park for 24 hours or overnight with notice.  Notice can be a note with your name on the dashboard of the car along with displaying the Four Lakes sticker.  A note could also be shared on the Facebook page to inform community members.  Don’t block parents getting kids to bus. 

Old Business

Bridge – Easement Update: Mark Anderson: 

Dave Prochazka and Mark Anderson have been working with George Wittren on this.  First priority is to move forward and make reinstallation of the bridge the first priority.  Association approved and paid for completion of a survey and we have the final version.  We now have the boundaries of easement.    We are now working on getting the bridge put back in.  We are also finalizing an easement policy and will have a sign at each end of the easement.  This isn’t final yet.  Use is for daylight hours.  Unauthorized use will be considered trespassing.  For walking only.  Will have a written contract and will send it out to everyone in the community.  We will self-monitor.  The association is responsible for the easement.  Final arrangements will be reviewed by our lawyer and shared with the community for final approval.  We have a drawing for a replacement bridge.  Difficulty is working with the county on a new structure because it goes over water. Progress is being made.  The Association is assuming legal responsibility for the maintenance, finances and upkeep of the weir and the dam.  We are responsible for the other dams in Four Lakes and we have insurance to cover issues or legal matter.  The concrete channel is George’s responsibility.  He has an easement agreement with King County regarding that.  The Association will work with him on maintaining it, but we are not responsible, it is 100% his responsibility.

Results of Board Voting:

Sharon Ayers, Vivienne Gevers, and Marc Sanders received the most votes and maintain their positions on the Board.

Next regular Board Meeting:

Wednesday, March 27th @ 7pm at Terry’s house

Meeting adjourned.