Community Property Chair is Vivienne Gevers
Committee members are: New members are needed
The committee is responsible for the maintenance and new development of the property commonly owned by the Association.
This includes the gazebo, large play field and parking lot, access areas to some lakes.
Presentation for 2023 Annual Meeting
Posted on Facebook about a vendor we’ve hired to get the mole situation under control.
- Mowing will begin later this spring due to the wet weather.
- Need volunteers, especially as Community Property projects will eventually get funded once the Roads and Lakes projects are completed.
- The gazebo does need some painting and staining work and the picnic tables need some repairs
Presentation for 2021 Annual meeting
Vivienne once again gave a verbal report out talking about possible maintenance and upgrade work that is being considered. She needs more community members to be a part of her committee. They also need feedback from the community as to what enhancements they feel are important to do.
Presentation for 2020 Annual meeting
Vivienne gave a verbal report out talking about possible maintenance and upgrade work that is being considered.
Presentation for 2019 Annual meeting
Janelle discussed work done in 2018. She then presented a first draft of a very progressive plan to improve the area over the coming years.
Click HERE for the presentation.
Presentation for 2018 Annual meeting
Matt and Janelle were introduced as the new committee chairs. They discussed some changes done in 2017 in addition to normal mowing, mole control work and a sani-can made available for the summer months.
Click HERE for their presentation.
Presentation for 2017 Annual meeting
Lacie discussed some major plans for 2017 in addition to normal mowing, mole control work done and a sani-can made available for the summer months. Click HERE for Lacie’s presentation.
Dave Prochazka discussed his efforts to investigate the feasibility of installing a sports court as a part of our community property. In the past there has been significant interest from community members for such an addition. Click HERE for Dave’s presentation showing estimated costs. In addition click HERE for a picture of an example court. And HERE for a second picture.
Presentation for 2013 Annual meeting
Marty said maintenance was done on the gazebo in 2012. There was also normal mowing, mole control work done and a sani-can made available for the summer months.
Activities for 2010 included:
- Mowed the grass of the large playfield and the grass area by the small lake.
- Provided a Sani-Can during the summer months.
- Purchased a mole poisoning process and attempted to control the mole population. There was some success but the process proved to be extremely time consuming.
- The water level of the lake has risen enough that much of the community property area is wet year around. This makes is very difficult to mow and try to control moles. Until the water level of the lake is returned to what we’ve had in the past our effort to maintain and utilize the area will be hampered.
Highlights of activities during 2006:
- There was a work party in the spring to clear brush around the small lake. This resulted in a much
nicer view and access to the lake. - The large play field and grass area by the small lake was mowed on a regular basis.
- The gazebo was cleaned and all the wood re-stained.
- The entrance sign was re-painted