2006 April Meeting Minutes

Four Lakes Landowners Association

Board of Directors

April 20th,  2006

In attendance:             Rod Case                     Terry Deschenes                       Kit Nau                                                                        Steve Scott

Not Able to Attend:   Mark Achzenick           Denise Jones                            Shawn Mulqueeney                  Tom Price

President Terry Deschenes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in his home.  A motion was made and seconded that the minutes from the previous meeting be accepted as revised.  The motion passed. 

Shawn provided a Treasures report but was not there to answer questions.  After a short review no major issues surfaced and the report was accepted. 

Committee Reports:


·        No report from Mark.  There has not been a committee meeting yet. 

·        Steve reported that he has not yet done a follow-up visit with Paula Clark.  He restated that after his initial conversation with her last month he feels there is some room to work out a solution to the visibility issue.  Kit recommended that we start working on the plan the 3-way stop area and thereby show Paula that the Association definitely intends to resolve the safety issues.   This information will be passed on the Mark.

·        Terry said that we have not yet received a reply from the Lieblings concerning the written proposal that we sent to them.  He will follow up.  


·        Evan has told Terry that the first meeting of this committee is scheduled for the first part of May. 

·        Steve reported that some site prep work has been done adjacent to the well site for the cell tower that will be placed there.  He has posted several signs warning of pipes and requesting that we be contacted before any digging is begun.

Community Property

·        No report from Rick. 


·        No report from Shawn but the first meeting of this committee is about to occur. 


·        Easter egg hunt has been changed to a Spring Festival and is scheduled for this coming Saturday (4/22).

Old Business:   

Ø      By-Laws/CC&Rs amendments. 

A sub-committee of Terry, Mark and Rod met and went over the suggested changes in detail.  They noted all questions and additional potential changes.  There thoughts were sent back to the attorney.  Terry will check back with him to see where things stand.  We will have a full report at the next Board meeting.

Terry discussed one possible addition to our laws that he believes would improve the way we do things.  He believes we should elect the Board President each year before (probably several months) the annual meeting.  He believes this would have several key benefits:

·        The new president would be able to actively recruit replacements for outgoing Board members. 

·        The new president would have much more time to do a smooth transition with the outgoing president.

·        The new president would chair a major portion of the annual meeting thereby setting the goals and activities for the upcoming year.

There was some discussion about this concept before it was agreed to ask the attorney to consider the concept and write it into the new CC&Rs and By-Laws.  The entire Board will have a chance to consider and discuss it along with the other proposed changes. 

Ø      Board of Trustees long term goals development. 

Nothing new to report.

New Business:   

Ø      Board operating rules.   
Terry has not been ale to finalize a new rules and goal setting process.      He will have this ready for review at the next meeting.

Ø      Steve reported that Gail Rathbun is about ready to put her property up for sale.  She approached Steve about the culverts and beaver barrier that is by her property.  She is concerned that this setup might decrease her property value and possibly create safety issues.  She wanted to know if we could remove it.  Steve told her that the culverts must stay.  He in turn asked her if she would be willing to expand slightly the easement area so that a better beaver barrier could be constructed.  She said she would think about it.  In the meantime, Steve committed to her that he would discuss this with the Board and that he would get back to her with a proposal

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.