2013 June Meeting Minutes

Notes from Four Lakes Board of Trustees Meeting

Thursday June 20th 2013

Held at Terry Deschenes residence at 7pm

Mark A., Marty, Terry, Evan, Rod, Marc, Brenden, Bob, Dave

Old business:

–May 16 mins approved.

Committee reports:

Treasurer – Rod Case

Not much going on other than mowing. Sent a letter to the person a year behind. Will pay $300 this Friday then $150 per pay period after that. A couple more are approaching being a year behind.

Some options for our expiring CD: leave it (rollover), put it in dividend-paying stock, a municipal-bond fund, or a moderate allocation fund like Vanguard Wellington. Rod will do more research including whether the by-laws have any limitations. Board voted unanimously to authorize Rod to move the money into the Vanguard Wellington fund if there are no detrimental tax consequences.

Roads – Terry Deschenes

Cleaned the ditch up on the loop road. Will get a quote on putting the pipe in for the spring (~$800), plus some annual consulting on the roads.

Brenden: have made progress on roadside cleanup work lately, including new “turtles”

Water – Evan Lurton

Six more lots ready to plumb, pending weather and schedule. Held the state mandated public meeting 19 June 2013. Annual report is due July 1….goal will be 2% reduction in water use over six years.

Community Property – Marty Johnson

Ian has done some mowing lately. Otherwise, community property is doing fine. Only a couple gazebo rentals scheduled. Terry will talk with a mole removal guy.

Lakes – Bob Liebling

Adding some grass carp next month. Working on the pipes on Lakes 4-5 and Lake 2 by Aug 17, when our permit expires. Will talk to Glenn about doing some work with his hoe. Probably won’t treat this year, but will renew the permit.

Emergency – Mark Anderson not present, no report

No new info or changes

Hospitality – Brenden Pecht

Met Brian Thompson and his wife. Brian does have experience with entertainment-type committee work. Will invite him to next month’s meeting. Brian is interested in bringing natural gas to Four Lakes.

Entertainment – committee chair open

No update on an official new replacement (Jennifer Shuck is a possible replacement). We also have a couple other candidates, such as Sara Sommercorn and Brian Thompson. Brenden will try to arrange an Entertainment committee meeting. May also schedule a community event to meet the newcomers in August.


Next meetings scheduled for July 18th, August 15th and September 19th, all at 7pm.

–Submitted by Marc Sanders, Secretary