2015 February Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
February 19, 2015
Home of Terry Deschenes, 7:00 pm
Terry Deschenes

Marty Johnson

Marc Sanders

Dave Prochazka

Rod Case

Evan Lurton

Tom Norton

Bob Liebling

Brendan Pecht

A. Preparation for Annual Meeting
Meeting will be March 5 at 6:30 pm in the Eagle Room at the Issaquah Police Station. Zone leaders are asked to call their zone members in advance to remind them about the meeting.

B. Committee Reports
Lakes: Bob Liebling

Discussion about potentially using an eductor truck to clean out some of the mucky areas of the lakes. Committee is still investigating the costs. Rod confirmed that in CY15 there is still $10,000 in unallocated funds that could possibly be used for a project like this.

To prep for the fishing derby later this spring, there was discussion about how best to work with the Community Property committee to clean out the blackberries around the retaining wall on Lake 2 (Osprey Lake).

Steve Scott is taking over as Lakes Committee Chairman in CY15 after this meeting.

We will need to elect a replacement board member for Bob at the annual meeting.

Also, preliminary discussion about doing one or more community work party days.

Hospitality: Brendan Pecht

Keeping an eye on a couple properties currently on the market. No new residents recently.

Water: Evan Lurton

Will schedule a committee meeting after the Annual Meeting. Drafted plans for the meter update work this year.

Roads: Tom Norton

Main work planned right now is some shoulder repairs. May use some of the 5/8” gravel that is up at the well site, although larger rock is required for the heavier traffic areas.

Treasurer: Rod Case

Financial reports are ready for the Annual Meeting. Accounts receivable are a bit high, but invoices just went out. Two legal actions are underway. IRS taxes are due next month.

Rod will add Dave as the third signature on the Association’s bank account.

Community Property: Marty Johnson

Stored the yellow containment buoys up at the well site. The street light out by the main entrance is working again (bulb replaced). Obtained estimates from Stout Roofing for three options for a new roof on the community building. Will be obtaining another estimate for comparison. The current roof is significantly rotten and approximately 30 years old.

Emergency Preparedness: Mark Anderson

No report.

Entertainment: Nina Hufford

No report.

Gate: Brian Thompson

No report.

C. New Business
No new business this month.

The next general meeting is scheduled for 16 April 2015 at 7:00 pm at the home of Terry Deschenes.

–Marc Sanders, Secretary