2015 April Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
April 16, 2015
Home of Terry Deschenes, 7:00 pm
Rod Case

Terry Deschenes

Dave Prochazka

Diondra Miles

Mark Anderson

Marty Johnson

Brendan Pecht

Evan Lurton

Marc Sanders

A. Committee Reports
Treasurer: Rod Case

Cash is in good shape.

Legal issues are progressing; those who are behind are making some progress. We have a new one that is a year behind now, so will have to start proceedings.

Went through the 2015 budget and transactions to date.

Water: Evan Lurton

By July 1, we have to turn in an annual report, so will be making some progress with the valves between now and then: planning to finish 162nd, and then start down the loop road.

Will be convening a water committee meeting soon.

Lakes: Steve Scott (report sent in advance)

Carryover/ongoing projects:

• Tree protection: Half a dozen trees need to be fenced on Eagle Lake

• Weed and depth survey: Best during summer when lakes are low and plant growth has occurred; cannot treat if necessary while water is flowing

• Test water quality: Needs to be done when lakes stop flowing

New business:

• Clean up dike and creek: Will plan for better weather, May or June

• Fish policy: Catch and release: kids 12 and under keep limit of 3 per week

• Fishing derby: Working with Nina.

• Boat: Plan to buy 8ft rowboat from Guth

• Level of control for lily pads: Aim to limit at 25% surface coverage. Need native plants in lakes to partially shade bottom, attract and feed migratory waterfowl, support amphibian populations. Some submerged plants such as pondweed are also food for ducks. Need to keep an active watch for duckweed, noticed a little in Osprey.

• Determine how best to clear easement to Lake 6/Hidden Lake

• Checking to see if we can store weedcutter in shed at bus stop

• Culvert screening for fish—doublecheck mesh size, requirements (each lake or just #1/Heron)

Regarding the Catch and Release policy: The board will leave policy specifics to committees whenever possible.

Also, preliminary discussion about doing one or more community work party days.

Roads: Tom Norton

No report.

Entertainment: Nina Hufford

No report.

Community Property: Marty Johnson

Good turnout for the Easter Egg hunt.

Have mowing contracted again this summer.

Will clean up area around big lake for the fishing derby.

Concerns from one resident about an evergreen tree on community property that might interfere with her trees – board not planning any changes right now.

Received a second bid from McClendon’s… will select a contractor this coming month.

Hospitality: Brendan Pecht

Four properties changing hands, so will be reaching out to the new residents.

Communications: Terry Deschenes

No newsletter planned right now.

Please send rough notes to Marc, so we can create the minutes from the Annual meeting.

Legal: Terry Deschenes

New board members are Diondra, Brendon, Brendan, Mark.

Emergency Preparedness: Mark Anderson

Aiming for August for the annual safety drill. Will also obtain more pamphlets for the new residents.

Mail thefts: best practices are to pick up mail daily and to use Hold Mail when out of town

Gate: Brian Thompson

No report.

C. New Business
No new business this month.

The next general meeting is scheduled for 21 May 2015 at 7:00 pm at the home of Terry Deschenes.

–Marc Sanders, Secretary