Meeting Minutes
February 13, 2014
Mark Achzenick
Terry Deschenes
Marty Johnson
Brendan Pecht
Marc Sanders
Mark Anderson
Evan Lurton
A. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved.
Treasurer: Rod Case
Reviewed the financials that Rod sent out to the board in advance. No one raised any issues.
Roads: Terry Deschenes
Terry proposed, and it was unanimously agreed, to establish a roads budget of $4000 for this year.
Tom Norton will be taking over the Roads Committee for the next year.
Community Property: Marty Johnson
Nothing new to report. Contacted Nina Hufford to let her know that the committee will reimburse her costs to put traction materials on the bridge over the outflow.
Lakes: Bob Liebling
No report this month.
Water: Evan Lurton
In the process of buying the backup pump/motor/relay for the main well. The main well appears to have a 7.5 HP pump and motor that deliver 65 gallons per minute. However, it appears to be an industrial pump that is oversized for our system.
Started looking at new equipment that is better sized (flow and head) for our needs. Ordered the new, better-sized, pump, motor and controller, so we’ll have it on standby. With the equipment at the ready, expect that maximum downtime for a catastrophic failure would be about a day or so to do the swap.
Have measured the well multiple times, and the static water depth is consistently around 169 feet deep. Ran the pump for an hour and the drawdown was about six inches. Running for 90 minutes resulted in nearly the same result.
Based on sketchy information from years ago, looks like the difference between the static water level and the pump inlet may only be about two feet, so we have to watch this closely to make sure the level doesn’t drop too much in the summer.
Various conversations in the past few weeks between Evan and people in the industry have raised concerns that numerous other wells nearby are going dry, so again, we have to be careful to watch the variation in the static water level.
The backup well delivers about 25 gallons per minute, so all residents would have to ration in that scenario.
Mark A. recalls from conversations a few years ago, when one of the residents who lived out on Cedar Grove wanted to withdraw from the water agreement, that our by-laws and our legal agreements do appear to allow for other nearby people to join our water agreement, if that’s what we wanted to do, but that it’s difficult for someone to withdraw from the agreement.
Evan recalls from the mid- to late 80s that there was a push at that time to increase the legal number of hookups to the system from 55 to 99, the current amount, mainly because we added the reservoir at that time (along with the backup well).
For now, Evan will respond back to the neighbor who is interested in joining our water agreement that:
· Our by-laws are posted on our web site
· The board is not interested at this time to spend any time or money investigating this on our side
· We’re open to continuing the conversation if the neighbor wants to invest in legal services to create a proposal for him to join our water agreement
No report. Mark Achzenick has spoken with multiple people who expressed interest at various times to take on this committee, but no one has committed yet.
Hospitality: Brendan Pecht
Nothing new at this time.
Communication: Terry Deschenes
Newsletter is now published, including the notice of the annual meeting, so we’re good to go.
Emergency Preparedness: Mark Anderson
Mark will hold a committee meeting in the near term and will plan to conduct a drill around Labor Day.
C. New Business
The date and location for the annual meeting is set for Wednesday 19 March 2014 at 6:30 PM at the meeting room in the Issaquah City police station. Rod is including an announcement to everyone with the February billing updates.
The board will again divide up the list and call community members to make sure they know about the upcoming annual meeting.
Terry Deschenes was nominated, seconded and elected as the new Board President for the coming year.
The next general meeting will be at 7:00 PM on 17 Apr 2014 at the home of Terry Deschenes.