2012 March Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
March 22, 2012
The regular meeting of the Four Lakes Board of Officers was called to order at 7:00 PM at the home of Terry Deschenes by Mark Achzenik.

Bob Liebling

Brenden Pecht

David Prochazka

Evan Lurton

Mark Achzenick

Marty Johnson

Rod Case

Sharon Ayers

Terry Deschenes

A. Approval of Minutes
Minutes approved from last Board Meeting.

B. Open Issues

Treasurer: Rod Case

Money has been moved to cover expenses. Income from the chipper continues to come in. Some of the general expenses include liability insurance, legal fees of $800 (one action started due to non payment of dues), cost of the chipper to clean up debris from the ice storm. $1,000 of those costs will be covered by the roads committee as much of the debris was cleared from our common road areas. Water committee also had to pay an electrician to fix the electrical box which was torn off the pump house by falling debris.
Past due accounts were discussed and the Board decided to direct the treasurer to proceed with a lien on one property and make contact for a final time with another household to give them an opportunity to make financial arrangements prior to proceeding with legal action. The Board reiterated its desire to do everything possible to work with homeowners and avoid taking legal action.

Roads: Terry Deschenes

No plans for work during this month; however the Roads crew is ready for spring and summer projects to get underway.
There was discussion of the upper loop road and whether or not coal patch was needed to divert surface water. Since this water is not hurting the road—no patch is needed.

Water: Evan Lurton

Equipment has been purchased to replace meters and vaults in the yellow zone. The committee is waiting for better weather to begin the project.
Initially, this work will be done by the committee and they will evaluate the feasibility of continuing with volunteer labor. If necessary, we might have to take bids and then the cost will increase.
Right now, it appears that there is a leak somewhere in the yellow zone at the rate of seven gallons per minute. Vault installation will help determine the precise location so it can be fixed.

Community Property: Marty Johnson

Mole abatement will continue this summer. Rick Ward will use his Rodenator to defray the cost of chipping done on this property.
Discussion ensued as to what to do with the wood chips at the front entrance. The most likely solution was to spread the chips and build a path using gravel and laying down a pipe for drainage.
It is time to make arrangements to bring in the Honey Buckets for the spring and summer seasons.

Lakes: Bob Liebling

The committee purchased replacement trees and shrubs and held a work party to plant them. Varieties included casera, Oregon ash and huckleberry.
We will put grass carp in the main lake to control vegetation along with trout.

Entertainment: Bo and Nina Cambern (report given by Terry Deschenes)

The board approved sending an email to community members about the April 7th Easter Egg hunt and picnic. Residents will have an opportunity to opt out of receiving future emails of this nature.

Emergency: Mark Anderson – no report

Communication: Terry Deschenes

We will probably do another newsletter in June which is consistent with this publication being distributed on a quarterly basis.

Hospitality: Brendan Pecht

There are seven properties either vacant or up for sale. Our newest neighbors are Justin and Jana Park and family. The committee is planning to officially welcome them to the community.

C. New Business
The Association Participation agreement from Justin Park was presented to the Board. The letter was to be emailed to board members for review and comment. Mark Achzenick was complimented on his handling of the situation. It was decided that Mark Achzenick would be authorized to conclude the negotiations as he saw best.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM by Mark Achzenick. The next general meeting will be at 7:00 PM on Thursday, May 3, 2012 at the home of Terry Deschenes.

Minutes submitted by:

Sharon Ayers, Secretary