Meeting Minutes
June 21, 2012
The regular meeting of the Four Lakes Board of Officers was called to order at 7:00 PM at the home of Terry Deschenes by Mark Achzenik.
Bo Cambern
Bob Liebling
Brenden Pecht
David Prochazka
Mark Achzenick
Marty Johnson
Rod Case
Sharon Ayers
Terry Deschenes
A. Approval of Minutes
Minutes approved from last Board Meeting.
B. Open Issues
· The Association is in complete compliance with the Bylaws as they pertain to assessments for Roads. If a member has more than one lot/property—they may not have more than one vote and consequently the road assessment is per lot except for those living on Cedar Grove Road. The discussion was should we exempt those with multiple lots from paying an additional assessment for the roads (the lot does not have a house on it) inside the community the way we exempt those on Cedar Grove Road. Such a change would require an amendment to the association by-laws.
· The Board unanimously voted to close the issue without bringing it to the membership for an amendment.
Treasurer: Rod Case
Issued a financial report and all bank accounts are current in the report. One household in serious arrears paid their past dues.
The Board was asked its opinion and approval to proceed on another property. The house is being taken over by the bank and we would like to put a lien on it; but the ownership is in question. It was recommended to put the lien on the original owner and the Board concurred with that recommendation.
Two properties are still in arrears and are verging on legal action again. Both households have demonstrated a willingness to pay; however the dues for both remains in arrears.
The new owners of the Reid property are Scott and Carmelita Shamon.
Mowing the common areas are new expenses.
We received our legal reimbursement in the amount of $1200 when past dues were paid.
More materials were purchased than anticipated for the new water boxes and this is reflected in the report.
Roads: Terry Deschenes
Need to do some patching. Decent weather is needed for the planned projects. The big hill and the loop road hill need patching work. Speed limit signs have been reinstalled. Striping and painting has been done and that work continues.
Water: Evan Lurton
Rod Case reported that the leak was located and fixed. A drain was installed in the vault in front of Jackie Greening’s.
Community Property: Marty Johnson
Ian’s mowed three times and has two more billings to submit. Also, Ian is temporarily incapacitated and it needs to be determined how the contract will continue.
The Summer bash is July 22nd at the Gazebo and we will get things mowed for that.
Trees haven’t been taken down yet. Things have been cleaned up along the road parallel to Cedar Grove.
There is some work underway with a property at the front entrance and we will contact them to be sure their project is in compliance with the community property plans.
Rick Ward has eradicated the moles on a couple of occasions and will send us a bill.
Lakes: Bob Liebling
There are leaks around the dike in Lake #2 when there is high water. In our permit, we can fill 6 inches and that’s it. So that is the goal.
Will get bids for the herbicide treatment….the permit will take a month so it will be August before the treatment takes place.
A new issue concerns our new neighbors in Tod’s old house. Natural drainage used to go to Lake #2 and went through the property and filled a little pond. The drainage ditch is dry and up the loop road there is a new current of water. We suspect water has been diverted to 164th. Will check to see if this has been done. The water could be going to the loop road lake instead of into Lake #2. If the water is not draining into Lake #2 , the Lake could be endangered. Another concern is that during the winter rainy season—the roads could be seriously undermined.
Need to remind people not to alter any existing or man made waterways in our community without contacting the Board first.
Entertainment: Bo Cambern
July 22nd will be the Summer Bash with a Hawaiian tropical theme (dress, food, music). A band has been hired for $300. The Bash will start at noon and continue until? The band quits at 4:00. The Committee is planning another activity for the fall.
Emergency: Mark Anderson
No report
Communication: Terry Deschenes
Newsletter will be published in June. The Newsletter deadline is Saturday, June 23rd
Hospitality: Brendan Pecht
Met the Park family and welcomed Justin and Jana to the community. More new neighbors are Jose and Lisa Riveros. Jake Bender’s place is up for sale.
C. New Business
Next Meeting: July 19, 2012 at Terry Deschenes.
Minutes submitted by:
Sharon Ayers, Secretary