Four Lakes Board of Trustees Meeting
January 12, 2012
Present: Mark Achzenick
Sharon Ayers
Rod Case
Terry Deschenes
Marty Johnson
Bob Liebling
Brendan Pecht
Dave Prochazka
· The meeting opened with a review of the winter newsletter which will be published in January.
· Marty Johnson will take over chairmanship of the Community Property committee.
Treasurers Report – Rod Case
o We have approximately $8,000 in the bank with $2,000 of this dedicated to water.
o One account is in serious arrears and numerous attempts to contact the homeowners and work with them have come to naught. The board has decided to refer the situation to the attorney. Collection costs will be the responsibility of the owner as per association guidelines.
o 2012 plans are completed and there is $4,000 unspent from 2011. Traditionally any unspent funds go to committees designated by the board. This year the board voted to give this to the Roads Committee. This would increase the amount available to Roads to $11,000.
Roads – Terry Deschenes
o The Roads Committee is on winter hiatus, although the potholes on 239th will be patched.
o It has been reported by several residents that the bushes overhanging the fence on 165th need to be cut back as they have created a dangerous blind spot and pose a hazard to oncoming traffic, children, pedestrians and small animals. A member of the Roads Committee will visit the property owner to discuss what trimming must be done to alleviate the dangerous situation.
o The Roads Committee also reports that they are ready for winter weather conditions with ice melt pellets that must be distributed before it snows in order to be effective. They are monitoring the weather and weather reports.
Water – Evan Lurton
o Kit Nau had a concern about their water service vault. When the contractors working on the new Park home connected it to the electrical grid they had to dig a trench to the power pole on the Nau property. In doing this they uncovered the water service vault and did not cover it back in when the job was completed. Once she checked with Evan she agreed to just recover the vault herself. Unrelated to water—there was also a question posed by Kit as to the easement leading to the Park’s property. They are planning to do paving and Kit wants to know where the easement starts and stops and exactly what will be paved. Mark Achzenick will facilitate a conversation between the two parties to open the lines of communication.
Community Property – Marty Johnson
o Newly appointed chairperson, Marty Johnson requested $500 for mole removal in the spring. Rod Case,Treasurer informed Marty that it had already been incorporated into his budget.
Lakes – Bob Liebling
o There is currently a low level of beaver activity. New pipe was installed in the beaver dam between Lake 1 and Lake 3 and there has been no beaver activity to plug it up. The lakes are flowing smoothly.
o The lakes will be stocked with fingerling trout, which is a procedure recommended to maintain the health of the lakes. (Note—there will be no fishing derby this year.) We can get about 338 fish for approximately $200 and we might split the fish between the lakes.
Hospitality – Brendan Pecht
o Still watching about 5 properties.
New Business
o The date for the annual meeting was set for March 1, 2012 at 6:30 PM at Mark Achzenick’s barn.
o The board will make reminder phone calls to residents urging them to attend the Annual Meeting.
Next Board meeting is set for March 22nd, 7:00pm at Terry Deschenes home.
Respectuflly submitted,
Sharon Ayers, Secretary