2012 December Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
December 13, 2012
The regular meeting of the Four Lakes Board of Officers was called to order at 7:00 PM at the home of Terry Deschenes by Mark Achzenick.

Bob Liebling

Dave Prochazka

Ian Achzenick

Mark Achzenick

Rod Case

Sharon Ayers

Terry Deschenes

Evan Lurton

Marty Johnson

A. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as discussed.

B. Open Issues


Treasurer: Rod Case

· The Association’s financial situation is in good shape. We have $12 thousand in checking $56 thousand in water savings. Five accounts receivable remain a concern; however all are working with the Board to either remain current and/or make up the arrears. There is a lien against one property.

· In January the Board will need to decide how to allocate funds that were not paid out and find out the needs are for 2013. We might put $3 thousand into Water and the rest into Road savings. This will put us up to $25 thousand in Road savings.

· Meter box supplies have all been purchased (2013). Our budget is pretty much what we projected. Need input from committee chairs to put together 2013 budget.

Roads: Terry Deschenes

· Last year’s budget was $4 thousand and we should probably go up to $5 thousand and look at maintenance. We have major patching to do and need to put in gravel on the loop road. Until the water runoff issue on the hill gets resolved (2-3 different springs) the erosion level will remain high. Patches have held up on the lower half of the hill road—but new potholes have materialized. The committee is planning to spend about $2500 to $3,000 thousand dollars on repairs; however no major maintenance is planned.

Community Property: Marty Johnson

· Took down two cotton wood trees. Spruced up the gazebo. We are continuing to budget for mole control.

Lakes: Bob Liebling

· A question was raised regarding the impact of the Canadian geese population on the lakes and the community. The discussion involved probable testing for levels of fecal matter.

· Trout were planted in October and we have 50- 100 more than we expected so trout were also planted in the other lakes. In March we will plant grass carp in the two main lakes.

· More wire has been placed on trees to protect them from the beavers. The beaver deceiver seems to be working pretty well. The beaver has blocked flow from two of the lakes and we may have to get the big scoop to clear it out. We might need to put up more cage screening—we can see if that’s all it takes.

Water: Evan Lurton

· The new vaults and meters are going in. Nau, Sanders, Case, Windom, Koger have vaults and meters now. With meter installation we can see immediately if leaks are present. All is well except at the Nau’s. Will wait for dry weather to investigate the situation further.

· We have enough equipment and materials to do Sheldrew, Kerr, Shuck, Renfrew, Rice, Kitchen, Parvey and Jones next year. We expect to find a leak over there somewhere. We suspect it is somewhere across the creek. That is the plan for next summer.

· Every July a report goes to the Dept. of Health. They want to know how we are doing with the water efficiency program. They want more of a goal and our progress towards the goal. We need to try to reduce water consumption in the neighborhood by 5% to meet their requirement. The idea is to reduce system leakage and a goal could be related to that.


· This position is now vacant as Bo Cambern will not continue. The Board wishes to thank Bo for all he has done this past year.

Welcome Committee: Brendan Pecht

· Plans are to visit new neighbors.

Communication: Terry Deschenes

· Plans to advertise the annual meeting which will take place in February or March.

D. New Business
· Consumer Price Index went up 2.7% so a question was raised as to whether or not we want to apply that on projections for income? Board Members will let Rod Case know in January so he can make the 2013 budgets. He will do projections and then see what committees are requesting and have a budget ready for the annual meeting.

· Election of the Association President will take place at the next Board meeting. Election of three new members will take place at the annual meeting. Mark Achzenick and Terry Deschenes have committed to run again. We may need to fill one open Board Position, that of Sharon Ayers. Sharon has not yet decided if she is going to run for another three year term. She will let the Board know at the January meeting.

· A Notice of Application was received to subdivide the ten acres of Park property. King County road design construction standards are higher than what we have in Four Lakes. The Parks must widen the road form the end of the pavement to their house and include some kind of turn around at the Four Lakes boundary. This will facilitate fire trucks and or other emergency vehicles. Having this construction will not have any impact on our paved roads.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM by Mark Achzenik.

The next general meeting will be at 7:00 PM on January 17, 2013 at the home of Terry Deschenes.

Minutes submitted by Sharon Ayers