2011 September Meeting Minutes

4 Lakes Landowners Association

Board of Trustees Meeting

September 15, 2011

Members in attendance: Mark Achzenick

Marty Johnson

Brenden Pecht

Rod Case

Dave Prochazka

Terry Deschenes

Also in attendance: Ian Achzenick

Evan Lurton

Meeting called to order by Ian Achzenick at 7 PM.

Treasurer’s Report, Rod Case All is in good order. Budgets were reviewed without comment. Rod notes that there are two accounts that are now 2 years past due. Liens have been levied on their properties, but is apparently not having any impact. Discussion ensued about options available. Prior to the next meeting, board members agreed to make personal contact in an attempt to determine what we can expect from these homeowners.

Roads, Terry Deschenes The Craig Andersons had contacted Mark Achzenick regarding vehicles driving on the shoulder of the road 164th, the bottom edge of their property. The problem is that they are attempting to keep the grass mowed in this area and the rutting is raising cane with their mower. Action: Put an article in the newsletter requesting people to avoid driving on the shoulders whenever possible. Terry to call them and review board discussion. Consider putting tall, rubberized, reflectors in – discussion with committee.

Mark Achzenick had been contacted by Washington State’s department of Noxious Weeds. Apparently someone had reported sighting Tansy Rag Wart along the Cedar Grove Road in front of the community. Terry will work with Roads Committee to deal with the weeds.

Water, Evan Lurton Lots of work done this Summer. Painting completed, sanitary survey passed with flying colors, LP powered generator installed and working. Looking forward, the water committee will still need to install meters for each property by 2017. Water Committee planning to meet in October for planning meeting.

Community Property, Final mowing to occur next week. Sanican will be picked up after the 20th. Still need a Chairperson to replace Rick Ward.

Lakes, Terry Deschenes Terry reported for Bob Liebling the chair of the Lakes Committee. The plans that Bob had drafted for the beaver deceivers on the various lakes were presented. Terry explained that Bob was going to be out of the area for the next 5 weeks and that these plans needed to implemented in that period to take advantage of the low water. Steve Scott is going to handle the work between 4 and 5. Evan Lurton is going to handle lake 2. Terry will handle 4 to 3 and 3 to 1. Terry will contact Glen Kitchen to obtain help in digging out material in 4. The basic plan is for the Evan and Terry look at the work that needs to be done, materials needed and then contact the other members of the board for help in implementing the changes. It was agreed that we had ample manpower on the board to accomplish the work. Evan agreed to review the plans for repairing the weir and look at the actual structure to determine if we could also accomplish its replacement.

Entertainment, Bo Cambern Ian Achzenick will contact Bo regarding a possible Autumn function (will there be one?) as well as asking him to develop a plan for the year.

Communications, Legal and Rules No activity

Other Business:

It was unanimously approved to enter into an agreement with the folks building a new home at the end of 160th. The agreement would that in return for their paying dues, less water, they would be allowed full use of community property and access to the lakes. The stipulation was that the agreement was to include a provision to allow cancellation by either party.

New Business:

A discussion was held regarding a letter received from a homeowner on how information on Cedar Grove Composting was published. The board agreed the letter made some valid points that should be considered when dealing with the issue.

Next meeting is set for 10/20/2011, 7pm, Deschenes.