Meeting Minutes
October 20, 2011
The regular meeting of the Four Lakes Board of Officers was called to order at 7:00 PM at the home of Terry Deschenes by Mark Achzenick.
Mark Achzenick
Mark Anderson
Sharon Ayers
Rod Case
Terry Deschenes
Martin Johnson
Evan Lurton
Brenden Peck
Dave Prochazka
Guest: Nancy Presser
A. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as discussed.
B. Open Issues
We have about $14,000 in the accounts. A sizeable deposit was made mainly from refunds from the water system and the sale of our old generator for $850.00. Several slow assessment payments were noted and will do follow up phone calls to address the arrears. Anticipated expenditures are one more mowing for the season, some road patch work and money for the water committee’s supplies. Revenues are expected to be $10, 000 more than expensesand anticpate we can meet the costs expected regarding the future metering conversion.
The cost of living for August was 2.7% and so will recommend the water portion of the assessments increase. No plans for increasing dues above the 90% increase voted by members is planned at this time.
We put the cold patch down. The big hill project remains unfinished. It is on old until some of the residents at the top of the hill do their part regarding the ditch.
Installation of the generator is complete. Everyone on the committee knows hot to run the systema dn we are prepared for power outages should they occur. Planning for next year is focused on the meters and vaults. The plan is to start down the Nau street and then head towards the entrance.
Community Property: No chairperson
The last mowing of the year will take place this month. The park at the front entrance still appears to be mole free or contained.
Evan Lurton came up with a plan to raise the culverts about 6” to facilitate the outflow of Lake #2.
It is possible there will be a fee increase from $500 to $3000 for the permit needed to control noxious/nuisance weeks.
Concerns over the depth of the lakes resulted in the board holding an extended discussion on the feasibility of dredging the lakes.
Emergency Preparedness:
The neighborhood will have an emergency preparedness drill next Saturday on October 29, 2011.
Hospitality Committee:
Is still watching six vacant and/or “for sale” properties. Tod Ray’s house is up for sale this week with an asking price of $85,000. A bidding war is anticipated.
No report
No report
C. Old Business
The Park residence will include a dues assessment so the residents can utilize the Four Lakes community property with conditions. We will include an easy out clause and the terms will take effect upon occupancy.
D. New Business
No report
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM by Mark Achzenik.
The next general meeting will be at 7:00 PM on November 17, 2011 at the home of Terry Deschenes.
Minutes submitted by Sharon Ayers