Four Lakes Landowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting
May 26, 2011
Dave Prochazka
Rod Case
Mark & Ian Achzenick
Brendan Pecht
Marty Johnson
Bob Liebling
Terry Deschenes
Tom Price
Tommy Price
Marty Johnson
Treasurer: All is well, although the need to closely monitor cash flow is still keeping Rod on his toes. He expects that to ease as the impacts of the higher dues begins to be felt. Collections are doing well.
Roads: Terry reports that road plans continue to operate on schedule. Waiting to continue on the 241st hill road until the neighbors clear drainage ditch. Also waiting for Glenn Kitchen to complete work on his property. Patching continues under the able management of Keith Renfrew. Two tons of cold patch have been applied to the loop road and the hill on 241st. Awaiting improved weather to place another ton of patch on the 167th hill. Striped shirts are going to be purchased for the noble men doing the road work.
Lakes: Bob Leibling has a concern about how to deal with the beavers. Quoted rates to have the beavers trapped is a $250/setup with a cost of $150/beaver. Concerns that the total cost might be as high as $1500. Present budget outlook with commitments for the spraying leaves very little to deal with beavers. Mark Achzenick pointed out that the Lakes Committee could dip into next years budget if the worst arose. The board expressed confidence in Bob and his committee, assuring him they would support their decision. Bob will need help on clearing out the debris the beaver has accumulated in the large lake. He also discussed the necessity of stopping outflow of the large lake for 45 days after it had been chemically treated.
Entertainment: Tommy Price, it will come as no surprise, the son of Tom Price, will be the chairman of this year’s fishing derby. Tommy reported that the fish had been ordered for delivery on June 8th, with the actual derby being on Father’s Day, June 19th. All fish are being put in Lake #2 where the derby will occur. Terry will call Bo Cambern, Entertainment Chair, and ask him to offer any assistance and encouragement he can to Tommy.
Community Property: We continue to need a chairman here. Terry asked Ian Achzenick, in his capacity as the lawn mowing contractor, to let him know when the area had dried up so that he could call the mole exterminator back in.
Emergency: No report
Welcome: Currently have 5 houses vacant in the community which Brendan is keeping an eye on for new buyers.
Rules: No report
Communication: Everyone was very complimentary of the last newsletter put out. A point was raised that several of the article did not have by-lines telling who had written them. It was agreed that it was a good idea to include these, both to give credit to the author, as well to let the community know where to go to get more information or even give a compliment. (It could happen!) There was also a short discussion on the importance of the newsletter in creating a sense of community.
New Business:
· Marty Johnson attended the meeting as a prospective new board member.
· The memoriam for Tod Ray is still on, but due to complications with the estate settlement it is being delayed until his relatives from Kentucky can be here.
· Mark Achzenick is going to talk to the folks building behind the Nau’s property to discuss their joining the community. He is also going to ask that his contractor take steps to see that the heavy equipment coming and going to the construction site stay to the middle of the roads (avoiding the shoulders). Also to have them stay under our speed limit.
· No discussion on Cedar Grove Composting and Passage Point.
Next Meeting: Terry Deschenes’ 7:00 PM on June 30th.
Submitted by: T. Deschenes