Meeting Minutes
March 24, 2011
The regular meeting of the Four Lakes Board of Officers was called to order at 7:00 PM at the home of Terry Deschenes by Mark Achzenick.
Bob Liebling
Brenden Peck
Dave Prochazka
Ian Achzenick
Mark Achzenick
Mark Anderson
Rod Case
Sharon Ayers
Terry Deschenes
Tod Ray
A. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as discussed.
B. Open Issues
A motion to nominate members to complete the two year terms of the open positions was made, seconded and passed. Sharon Ayers was nominated and unanimously accepted. Bob, Dave, and Tod were elected to new 3 year terms at the annual meeting.
Officers were elected as follows:
Vice President: Dave Prochazka
Treasurer: Rod Case
Secretary: Sharon Ayers
Discussion of open committee chair positions ensued and the names of people who might be recruited to fill those positions were identified. Several members volunteered to talk to those people.
The Board expressed its gratitude, happiness and surprise with the community’s support of the Board’s decision to request an increase in assessments.
Results of the voting that took place at the last community meeting were reviewed and double checked to be sure a written record of all votes made by proxy were accounted for. The vote was 47-0 and the assessment increase will take effect with the May billing cycle. It was mentioned that proper notice of the increase should be given.
We still have a cash flow problem. It was deemed necessary to take $1,000 dollars from savings and we may have to borrow from savings again to be sure all bills are paid. Accounts receivable: there are four past due accounts. One household is on a payment plan, two have liens and one is coming close to being a year behind. There was also a discussion of the homes that have gone into foreclosure and whether or not it is wise for the Board to pay legal fees to place liens on property when the lien is not honored during a foreclosure for taxes.
Work continues on the patches. We are waiting for better weather for all projects, especially the culvert work on the Kitchen property. It was also noted that we will need additional culvert work on 241st – the hill going up to the cul de sac.
No changes to the status of the water system—things remain at pretty much the same as reported at the annual meeting. We are waiting for better weather to install a new generator.
Community Property:
No chairperson
Saturday, March 26th, there will be a work party to remove the ongoing work of our ever busy beavers. It helps when community members join in as it builds awareness of the problem and is a means for community members to be involved. Beaver dam removal doesn’t take much time and is fairly easy to do. Apparently the beavers have learned to re-use the debris that is removed so it is a never ending battle for truth, justice and the Four Lakes way!
We received a solid bid from a company for herbicide treatment of the lakes. It was hard to get responses because our lakes are small. It was difficult to find companies doing business and the regulations connected to treatment of the lakes make it cost prohibitive for some companies. There are two types of treatments—contact or systemic. The proposal is for both types. The systemic will wipe everything out and it is a two step process. The cost will run $5100 and the permits will cost $1200. The plant consultant has a plan. The big and little lake combine to make 8 acres. We might use volunteers to treat the spatter dock and bryssinnia . Once it clears, we will probably have an algae bloom and we will have a 2nd treatment for that.
Permits for the herbicides are $7600 and $1000 for the algicide. The treatment should last 2 years. We would have preferred a competitive bid—but that wasn’t possible.
Emergency Preparedness:
We are currently planning to follow up on the fire extinguisher request from the community meeting. The city of Issaquah provides training for Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) certification.
Welcome committee:
Watching vacant “for sale” properties.
There was a discussion about our ability to annex property. A decision was made to talk to the Association lawyer regarding the feasibility of continuing with liens for past due assessments.
It is time for a newsletter. The topics to be included are as follows:
Easter Egg hunt
Notifications regarding herbicides, annexation, dues increase, new board members and fire extinguishers.
C. Open Issues
Information was shared about Passage Point. They hired a new director. We will check on how to get feedback from the community regarding Passage Point. This led to a discussion of using the website to get feedback.
D. New Business
We discussed whether or not we should continue to look at refining new goals and involving youth in community activities as well as the planning of more youth-oriented activities.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM by Mark Achzenik. The next general meeting will be at 7:00 PM on April 14, 2011 at the home of Terry Deschenes.
Minutes submitted by:
Sharon Ayers