2011 July Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
July 7, 2011
The regular meeting of the Four Lakes Board of Officers was called to order at 7:00 PM at the home of Terry Deschenes by Mark Achzenick.

Mark Achzenick

Ian Achzenick

Sharon Ayers

Rod Case

Terry Deschenes

Martin Johnson

Bob Liebling

Brenden Peck

Dave Prochazka

A. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as discussed.

B. Open Issues


Reported on number of current accounts and discussed plan for dues. There are 25 households that are past due which is not unusual. Collections are slower probably due to the increase in assessments.

The fishing derby incurred $550 worth of expenses. Roads requested $1000 for patching and painting. Quarterly waster fees are paid and the committee iis finishing work on the pump house.


The Roads crew is continuing to work on patches, repainting, striping and putting down turtles. There is no official schedule for patching. Glen Kitchen is continuing to work on the culverts.

We are waiting for the residents on the hill road to clean up the ditch before we can continue with patching and repairs.

One household has requested they be able to withdraw from the community. There are no clear guidelines for this eventuality. The following discussion ensued:

Concerns were expressed as to the legal covenants entered into upon the initial purchase of a home/household wishing to withdraw from the Assiciation.
Many residents choose not to utilize the benefits of Association membership and that is, therefore, not a basis for withdrawal.
Legal fees incurred to explore this issue should most likely be born by the household making the request.
Association fees reflect the responsibility of members to maintain water and roads and fears were expressed that allowing a withdrawal could set a precedent.
Current Association bylaws and covenants denote procedures in the event of acquisitions, but not withdrawals.
The Association would have to amend the bylaws.
Covenants pertaining to individual homes are not in the bylaws and would take precedence over the bylaws.
Covenants are registered in the county
To annex a property would require a ¾ vote of the membership and could be part of the process to withdraw.


The reservoir roof was rebuilt and the sheds were repainted. The pump house was stained and a couple of leaks were repaired. A tank was removed.



The Board agreed to the removal of the beavers.


We have obtained the necessary permit to apply chemicals to the lakes which will begin at 9:00 AM tomorrow morning.

Emergency Preparedness:

The neighborhood will have an emergency preparedness drill next Saturday on October 29, 2011.

Hospitality Committee:

Is watching five vacant and/or “for sale” properties.

Three families participated in the Fishing Derby this year. Attendance might have been hampered because of the change of date. No one showed up on the original date posted. Some of the prizes were left over and will be used next year.


No report


No report

Community Property:

The shed was broken into—nothing was stolen; however we will need to replace the lock.

C. Old Business
The Park residence will include a dues assessment so the residents can utilize the Four Lakes community property with conditions. We will include an easy out clause and the terms will take effect upon occupancy.

D. New Business
The motion to elect new board member, Marty Johnson, was made, seconded and unanimously approved. Marty is filling out the remainder of Tod Ray’s two year term.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM by Mark Achzenik.

The next general meeting will be at 7:00 PM on August 18, 2011 at the home of Terry Deschenes.

Minutes submitted by Sharon Ayers