Fourlakes Board Meeting January 12, 2011 pg 1
In attendance: Rod Case, Tara Bingham, Dave Prochazka, Tod Ray, Mark Anderson, Mark Achzenick, Terry Deschenes, Bob Liebling
- Election of New Officers:
Eligibility for officer positions was discussed. The Board voted to recognize community property laws with regard to property ownership.
Mark Achzenick was voted in as the HOA president elect by the Board.
Mark inquired about which board positions will need to be filled in 2011. Tod Ray (rules)and Dave Prochazka (VP) have volunteered to run again. Tara Bingham will not. Bob Liebling has agreed to run for Tara’s board position.
A new secretary for the Board will need to be chosen after the Annual meeting.
2.. Treasurer Report: Rod Case –
Rod will acquire a bank signature card for himself and Mark Achzenick.
Accounts receivable are at -4900 because several owners are behind on dues. Letters have been sent and liens are in progress. The C&A property was bought at auction by Jackie Greening. Rod is checking on whether or not C&A are still liable for HOA dues they didn’t pay. No response to letters/lien on Nolette property for the amount of $660. A question was raised about litigating for past dues over a property that is in forclosure, and the general consensus was that it would cost more money that it was worth in this particular situation.
There is a $2200 budget surplus showing for 2010. This will be rolled over into next year’s budget.
Savings accounts look good. There is $7200 in water, about $1000 in lakes, and about $1000 in community property.
3.Roads: Mark Achzenick –
Mark informed the board that no new chairman has stepped up, but the committee is still meeting and taking care of roads issues. Some progress has been made on issues that have been discussed in previous meetings.
Snow/Ice: The committee voted to buy a spreader. Tom Norton also volunteered to keep some of the roads clear with a blade he plans to buy for his tractor. The committee may be able to help with some of his cost. Mark will contact Wayne Bingham to see if he can store the spreader on his property.
Potholes outside of Lieblings are on list to repair, as are the pot holes by the Case property. Tom and Kieth are planning to do the repairs. More patch material is needed.
Mark said the committee will form a telephone tree to call residents about volunteering for the roads committee chair position. Women will be encouraged to participate.
Fourlakes Board Meeting January 12, 2011 pg 2
- Water: Rod Case –
A committee meeting was held the last week of December, 2010. Most leaks have been addressed, and two more will be repaired this summer.
A propane generator will be purchased for power outages to run the pump. Tom Norton has been asked to do some carpentry work to modify the well house for the generator.
Well site measurements indicate there is 120 sq feet of space to work with.
Evan is planning to use his equipment to clear the area needed.
- Community Property –
A new chairperson is needed. Mark Anderson will talk with Rick ward to see if he’ll co-chair.
- Entertainment: No new business
Terry will contact Delainy to see if he wishes to continue as chair.
- Lakes: Bob Liebling
Bob presented his draft for the up coming Annual meeting presentation.
Committee is still working with the county to acquire proper permits.
- Legal/Insurance: No new business
- Hospitality:
There are some new renters in the OBrien’s home. Mark Anderson will let Brendan know.
- Communication: Terry Deschenes
Terry will publish a newsletter that will outline the agenda for the Annual meeting. He will also include proxy forms. Several residents and board members have written articles for the newsletter.
Terry will write a farewell, state of the HOA article for the newsletter.
A memoriam will be published for Donna Jackson
- Emergency Preparedness: Mark Anderson
21% of homes participated in the October 2010, drill.
Mark is planning to present information about fire extinguishers at the Annual meeting.
- Cedar Grove
· Terry contacted S. Banchero, owner of Cedar Grove, to find out if any more changes were going to be made, but it doesn’t appear that there are any in the works. We should keep pressure on Cedar Grove, and PSA. We also need to participate in the grass roots group that is working at the other location, as well as stay informed about what is being done in our area.
Fourlakes Board Meeting January 12, 2011 pg 3
- Plans for the Annual Meeting were discussed.
· Scheduled for March 3 @ 6:30 PM at Achzenick’s.
· Meeting Agenda Notice and Proxy Statement will be mailed to community by Terry.
· Board Members will contact people in their zones to personally invite them by phone by February 25th, 2011.
· Agenda items will be finalized at next board meeting.
Next Meeting: Thursday, February 17th at Deschenes home.