In attendance: Rod Case, Tara Bingham, Dave Prochazka, Tod Ray, Mark Anderson, Mark Achzenick, Terry Deschenes, Bob Liebling, Brenden Pecht
- Approval of January Minutes – Approved
- The Annual Meeting Preliminary Agenda
· A sign up sheet will be available for people to volunteer for committees and projects; Rod will check off names of people who enter – indicating those who are not eligible to vote
· Rod will present the 2010 Budget Report, to be followed by 2011 budget projections
· Committee budget presentations will be presented by chair persons
· Emergency preparedness presentation by Mark Anderson. Mark Achzenick will provide fire pit for the demonstration.
· Ian will do a volunteer appreciation and recruitment presentation.
· Trustees will be nominated and elected.
· Dues Increase Presentation will be done by Rod Case. A vote by ballot for this issue will follow. Language presented should explain two options: 1. Quarterly lot dues will be raised to $128.19, which is an increase of about $14 per month. This does not include water. Option 2. No dues increase, which will mean that the community infrastructure will erode.
· A Quorum of 60% of lot owners must be present at the meeting to call for a vote. Two-thirds of those attending must vote yes to pass the increase.
· The Ballot will have two boxes for participants to check. Ballots will be collected and counted.
· Terry will create ballots. Ian will create sign up sheets. Rod will check names at the door.
· Terry will present information about Cedar Grove
· Rod will present information about Passage Point.
· A short question/answer period will be held at the end.
3.. Treasurer Report: Rod Case –
Nollet’s mailed invoices are not being accepted. A lien has been started on the Stykal property.
Rod expressed the need for a meeting with the association’s attorney regarding liens. There is a question about the effectiveness of the process. Rod will followup with our attorney and bring recommendations back to the Board.
Tod Ray asked about management of increased funds by the Board. The discussion that followed resulted in the Board’s restatement of their good faith effort to follow budget guidelines presented at and voted upon at the Annual Meeting.
Fourlakes Board Meeting February 17, 2011 pg 2
4.Roads: Mark Achzenick –
Brenden will replace signs that have been recently knocked down. He will also do the striping again when the weather is warmer.
The ice melt spreader has been purchased by the roads committee. Mark Anderson is organizing a group to manage its use
Mark Achzenick has a list of new watch areas that he will share with the community at the Annual Meeting.
The cobblestone project didn’t go well the first time because of the heavy rains. The crew will wait until better weather to attempt it again.
Glen Kitchin’s project is waiting for Glen to initiate.
Mark has talked to the Parks about a use fee for the roads.
Mark will pass all road committee info to Terry Deschenes
- Water: Terry Deschenes –
New generator has been identified. The cost will be approximately $8000. The Health Department must do a sanitary survey which will cost $550.00.
- Community Property –
A new chairperson is needed.
The mole problem in the park is out of control. The Board welcomes ideas to address this issue from the community.
Ian and Riley will submit a bid for mowing.
- Entertainment: No new business
New chair person needed. Delainy does not wish to continue as chair, but is willing to help whenever possible. .
- Lakes: Bob Liebling
Bob is investigating how much longer the county will take to finally approve the lakes maintenance permits. The county has been very slow in getting this done, despite the money paid by the association. Now they are charging an additional $178 an hour to review the documentation. The Board decided that a letter to Regan Dunn and Dow Constantine should be written. Terry and Bob volunteered to write the letter, and to contact the Rural Liason to see if she can do anything to expedite this process. Rod will provide copies of all invoices billed by the county to include with the letter.
Bob has to clear Lake #3 weekly and he could use some help. If the clearing is not done serious washouts could occur.
The Board voted to put the issue of the permits on hold for one month so that the new Board could review and address this issue. Bob has instructed the county to stop any further actions that would result in billing to Four Lakes.
- Legal/Insurance: No new business
Fourlakes Board Meeting February 17, 2011 pg 3
- Hospitality:
Brendan drafted a letter to officially welcome new neighbors to Four Lakes.
- Communication: Terry Deschenes
Terry provided signs regarding the recent mail theft and a notice for the Annual Meeting for several Board members to put up.
Board Members will contact people in their zones to personally invite them by phone by February 25th, 2011.
New Association Secretary will be appointed by the new Board.
- Emergency Preparedness: No new business.
- Cedar Grove No new business
Next Meeting: TBA.