2011 April Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
April 14, 2011
The regular meeting of the Four Lakes Board of Officers was called to order at 7:00 PM at the home of Terry Deschenes by Mark Achzenick.

Bob Liebling

Brenden Peck

Ian Achzenick

Mark Achzenick

Mark Anderson

Rod Case

Sharon Ayers

Terry Deschenes

A. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as discussed. Minutes of the annual meeting were also approved.

B. Open Issues
An update regarding the proxy votes placed at the annual meeting was given. Rod Case provided Jake Bender’s proxy.

A moment of silence was observed in memory of Tod Ray.



No new information was reported regarding the Association’s finances. According to our attorney, the approach we take in our collection policy is correct. A tax lien situation is fairly unusual and our recent claim was not given consideration because it was a tax lien situation. All other situations are pretty standard and we should be able to recoup what is owed to us. The attorney did make some recommendations regarding further steps that we could take. After further discussion, it was decided to consider restricting water and garnishing wages and to publish these additional steps in the newsletter. The board wants to send the very clear message that we do not want to take these measures and want to work with families to develop a payment plan.


We are waiting for a ton of cold patch to be delivered. We were able to obtain a special price from Lakeside Industries. Repairs to potholes will commence when it arrives. No news on the culvert project—we are awaiting action from Glen Kitchen.


We received a quote of $3,000 to replace the pump house roof and to install a slab for the generator. The roof will have an awning to protect the generator. Volunteers will do the site work.

Two to three years ago, the Department of Health wanted to require all residences to have water meters installed. Their plan was challenged and the challenge won–temporarily. The Health Department pursued the issue and they won their appeal–the result is that we will have to install water meters in the coming years. The Association will have to come up with a plan for implementation. The plan is due by July. This development is a real disappointment as we have done more to conserve water and stop leaks than most other water communities have done. The board feels we really don’t need meters—however our position will probably fall on deaf ears—and they will be expensive to install. Every vault will have to be replaced—we believe it could run as much as $1,000 plus per vault and the meter will be extra. The board will look into the possibility of an exemption for us. The timeline could be 10 years with 7-8 houses per year.

Community Property: No chairperson

Riley Nau and Ian Achzenick won the mowing bids. We are continuing to pursue and discuss possible candidates to be the new chairperson for this committee.

Ian reported on his Eagle Scout project. He is planning to work with the Morris family to locate an eagle perch on the island that is owned by the Morris’ in the big lake. A plaque commemorating Tod Ray will be placed in the gazebo (unanimous vote of the board) as he was very instrumental in helping Ian with his research and in recognition of his contributions to the Four Lakes community.

The plan to eradicate the moles is moving forward. Several board members previewed a technical marvel called the “rodenator” a couple of weeks ago. It was too wet to be truly effective, so we are all waiting for drier weather. The cost will run $75 per hour with an estimate of 2-3 hours to do the job and $50 for each additional hour as needed. We will need to repeat the process every 2-3 months.


Beaver Situation

The Lakes committee is split on whether or not a more drastic solution to the beaver problem should be pursued. This split was also reflected in the board’s discussion as it is difficult to know whether or not trapping and permanently removing the beavers would solve the problem. The cost for trapping would be $250 set up fee and then $150 per animal. So, for 6 beavers caught it would be $250+$900= $1150. Other solutions involve the beaver deceiver and installing pipes–the legality of putting in pipes and the permitting process. We would need about 4-6 volunteers to install more pipes, which could be done in a short amount of time. The tubes would take maintenance and we might need to dredge. We might try pipes this summer and then maybe look at live traps next summer. About 20 trees will be planted around the lake and community property to replace the ones the beaver has been taking down.

We will combine a Lake survey with a community event, perhaps a BBQ.


Our permit requests are in and the plan is to spray the lakes in six weeks beginning June 1st for the first treatment and the second at the beginning of August.

The board will send a letter to Karen Wang notifying her that the Taylor dam is rotting and something needs to be done. The county did some repairs awhile back. This is not an Association responsibility, although we looked into repairing the weir, we would do so without taking on the responsibility, rather than involving the county. We will ask Tom Norton to do an initial assessment.

Entertainment: No chair person

We held a discussion about combining the Entertainment and Community Property committees. A couple of community members might be interested in both of these committees.

Fishing Derby

We will hold this year’s fishing derby in lake #2 due to chemicals in the big lake. Funding ($650) for the fish, food and prizes is set. Tommy Price is in charge and has already started his preparations.

Emergency Preparedness:

Nothing new

Welcome committee:

Still watching vacant “for sale” properties.


With the sad passing of Tod Ray, it was suggested that we look into a replacement for this board position.


It is time for a newsletter. Some of the topics to be included are as follows:

Easter Egg hunt
Notifications regarding Lakes spraying, annexation,
dues increase
new board members and
fire extinguishers.
Fishing Derby
Tod Ray Memoriam

C. Open Issues
D. New Business
We continue to look at long term goals, refining new goals, running the lakes and involving youth in community activities as well as the planning of more youth-oriented activities.

We also discussed the barn fire on Sean Olson’s property—no action taken

Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM by Mark Achzenik.

The next general meeting will be at 7:00 PM on May 26, 2011 at the home of Terry Deschenes.

Minutes submitted by Sharon Ayers