Four Lakes Board of Trustees Meeting,
Thursday, September 23, 2010
In Attendance: Terry Deschenes, Rod Case, Tara Bingham, Mark Anderson, , Tod Ray, Brendan Pecht, Dave Prochazka, Mark Achzenick
- Approval of August Minutes
Board approved.
- Treasurer Report: Rod Case
Five residents are behind in due. Rod will send out notices next quarter if no payment received in September, 2010.
There was a $230.00 expenditure for a new beaver deceiver on the lake.
Estimated Lakes budget for 2011 – $4500-$8000. This will be discussed further and voted on at the Annual meeting. Residents are encouraged to attend and share input for long term management of the lakes.
- Roads: Mark Achzenick
A new Roads committee chairperson is needed. Mark Anderson will talk to Tom Norton and Brad Morris to see if they are interested.
Kara Mulqueeny is getting bids for patchwork on the hill and will get back to the committee within a couple of weeks. No bids for 162nd ditch repair have been started.
Glen Kitchen will contact Roads committee when he’s ready to start work on 241st.
- Water: Rod Case
Rod and Evan worked on a Sunday to try and find water leakage problem, but they were not able to find it. They will try again during the night.
It was decided that a new generator would have to be at least 20k watts to meet the association’s needs. This matter will be discussed further at a later date.
- Community Property
Terry washed entrance sign. He believes that the sign will need painting and repair in the spring.
The Sanican will be removed for the season.
- Lakes: Terry Deschenes
· The Board approved Bob Liebling as new Lakes committee chair.
· Bob met with Tom Hill about using herbicides versus harvesting weeds. Tom said we can only apply herbicides to ½ of the lake because the plants are not invasive. The application would have to be done 2 times a year, and the rest would have to be cut. Terry will forward the cost estimate to board members for their review.
Four Lakes Board of Trustees Meeting,
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- Entertainment: Terry Dechenes
· Terry will call Delainy Stritmatter to see if the committee has discussed plans for a Fall Festival
- Emergency Preparedness: Mark Anderson
· Emergency Drill planned for October 23, 2010 at 10:00 AM.
- Hospitality: Brendan Pecht
· No new neighbors. .
- Volunteers
No new business.
- Communication
· Terry will publish a newsletter about issues that need discussion at the annual meeting. He sent out a special edition this month regarding the Lakes and Cedar Grove Compost company.
- Election of Board Officers, 2011
Mark Achzenick expressed his willingness to run for president for next year. This will mean that Four Lakes HOA will need a new Roads Committee chair.
Tara (Secretary) Dave (VP) , and Tod’s (Rules) positions are up for election. The Board, as acting nominating committee, will discuss names for these positions. Any interested residents should contact a Board member ASAP. The actual election of these positions will take place at the Annual meeting by secret ballot.
- Cedar Grove Compost: Terry Dechenes
· Puget Sound Air Quality sent out a 27 page report regarding the Maple Hills Elementary meeting and community comments. The over all content of the report was encouraging, as three changes have been made regarding criteria for their permit based on comments shared and letters written to PSAQ.
· There is another meeting on October 29th at Maple Hills Elementary! All Four Lakes residents are strongly encouraged to attend. Keep calling PSAQ and sending email complaints when odors are present. Copies should go to the King County Health Department.
· Kara Mulqueeny is working with the Maple Hills Elementary PTA to find out what action they may be planning.
Next Meeting: Thursday October 21, 7:00 PM @ Deschenes