Four Lakes Board of Trustees Meeting,
Thursday, October 21, 2010
In Attendance: Terry Deschenes, Rod Case, Tara Bingham,, Tod Ray, Brendan Pecht, Dave Prochazka, Mark Achzenick, Evan Lurton, Mark Achzenick, Bob Liebling
- Approval of September Minutes: Tabled until next meeting.
- Treasurer Report: Rod Case
CPI is up .08%. The Board voted to raise dues, which will add $132 total revenue per year for the Association. .
Past due accounts are now being handled by our attorney. Two of the properties are being foreclosed by lenders or the county for back taxes.
- Roads: Mark Achzenick
Jim Hogenson was discussed as a possible chair person for the committee. Mark will call Jim to find out if he is interested.
Kara Mulqueeny got bids for patchwork on the hill. Bids vary from$6300 – 26,000, which includes a French drain system. This expenditure will not be possible in 2010, so Keith, Tom, and Tod will work on putting in a cobble stone road in the area as a temporary solution while more info is gathered.
The 241st project (Kitchin property) has been started. Tree removal was done some time ago, and Glen is looking at culverts that will be used to divert water away from the problem area.
The problems on the hill (239th) have been raised by Jan Pelroy. Wayne Bingham is going to provide the roads committee with measurements so that they can come up with a solution.
Snow/Ice removal: The committee decided the real problem was ice, so they are looking into several solutions. 1.Purchasing a blade that can be used on several different trucks; 2. Purchasing Glen Kitchin’s snow plow; 3. Purchasing an ice melt spreader that can be pulled behind a truck. The committee is getting more information, and will make their recommendations at the next Board meeting.
- Water: Evan Lurton
· Waterline repairs are working well. A small leak has been detected on lower 239th which is being addressed. Evan cautioned the Roads committee regarding any plans that might disturb utilities such as the underground transformers in the cul de sac.
· A propane generator is being considered for purchase next year, to meet the demands of power outages at the well site.
· It was decided that a new generator would have to be at least 20k watts to meet the association’s needs. This matter will be discussed further at a later date.
- Community Property
The Sanican has been removed for the season.
Grass continues to be mowed.
- Lakes: Bob Liebling
The beaver deceiver will be checked to see if it’s working. More pipes are being purchased for Lake 2 to make another deceiver.
The committee is working on a long term plan for weed abatement. Mechanical removal cost $4400/chemical removal $1600. The committee can only remove a certain percentage of the weeds because they are native to this area.
- Entertainment: Delainy Stritmatter
No new business
- Emergency Preparedness: Mark Anderson
· Emergency Drill planned for October 23, 2010 at 10:00 AM.
- Hospitality: Brendan Pecht
· No new neighbors. .
- Volunteers
No new business.
- Communication
· Terry will publish a newsletter in January about issues that need discussion at the annual meeting. Subjects include Cedar Grove composting, election of officers, and the Board’s long term plans for the community.
· All committees should have their budget requests and plans ready to present at the Annual meeting.
- Election of Board Officers, 2011
Mark Achzenick expressed his willingness to run for president for next year. He asked the Board for permission to include his son Ian in the process, and the Board approved. This will mean that Four Lakes HOA will need a new Roads committee chair.
Tara (Secretary) Dave (VP) , and Tod’s (Rules) positions are up for election. Tara will not run again but Tod and Dave will. The Board, as acting nominating committee, will discuss names for these positions. Any interested residents should contact a Board member ASAP. The actual election of these positions will take place at the Annual meeting by secret ballot.
- Cedar Grove Compost: Terry Deschenes
· Terry, Dave, Bob and Tara attended the community hearing on October 19th. The meeting was very well attended. The best suggestion made to the director of PSA was to do a comprehensive study on the content and possible toxic nature of the pollutants coming from the site.
Four Lakes Board Meeting Pg 2
October 21, 2010
· Terry and Dave attended a meeting with Regan Dunn and Mr. Banchero, the owner of the company. The owner discussed buying a new liner to cover processed material, but it is questionable that this will make a difference.
· Terry feels that we may be close to resolution on this issue, and the Board encourages all Four Lakes residents to continue calling and sending emails and letters not only to PSA, but to the county Health Department. Letters to elected officials are also encouraged.
New Business: The Future of Four Lakes:
· Long terms plans for the community were discussed. It was decided that water, roads and the lakes are our primary concerns at this time. It may be necessary to raise dues to address these issues in the future. The Board tabled the discussion until the next meeting.
· Rod suggested that one of our long term goals must be to increase community involvement in the association’s activities.
· Other suggestions were to involve the youth in projects.
Next Meeting: Thursday November 18 7:00 PM @ Deschenes