Four Lakes Board of Trustees Meeting,
Thursday Marcy 18th 2010
In Attendance: Terry Deschenes, Rod Case, Tara Bingham, Dave Prochazka, Mark Anderson, Mark Achzenick, Ian Achzenick, Evan Lurton, Delainy Strittmatter, Todd Ray
1. Detective Wendy Billingsley
The recent sexual offender bulletin which was sent a few weeks ago to the Four Lakes community was discussed. Radius of mailing is determined by the department, so it may be that not everyone in the community received a copy, but the detective presented a copy to the Board for their review. Detective Billingsley also discussed how the department handled sex offender registration, and as per department rules, offenses for which the person in question had been convicted and how the department monitors the offender. The Detective told the Board that there are no immediate concerns at this time, but encouraged members of the community to call with any concerns or questions.
2. Treasurer Report: Rod Case
The funds discussed at the annual meeting have been moved into savings. Mailings went slightly over budget ($425 versus $400), and first quarter 2010 expenses for water management included taxes. All past due accounts are on payment plans with the exception of the property owned by C&A Financial Services. A lien process has been started for past due association dues.
3. Roads: Mark Achzenick
The project on 241st has begun with trees being removed. Refuse left behind will be removed. Evan suggested that aggregate or rip rap be put in place to prevent any water from undermining the root system of remaining trees, and he volunteered to assist. Mark Achzenick will discuss that issue with Glen Kitchin.
The ditching up to Mulqueeney’s needs a project leader. Another Roads Committee meeting will be held to discuss this and other issues. Wayne Bingham, a resident on 239th SE, has volunteered to manage the ice problem on the hill by hand casting material to control freezing problem.
4. Water: Evan Lurton
The tech is still trying to fix the back up unit – the motor was thought to be bad, but it turns out that the pump is actually seized. Total project cost should be at budget. The Water Committee will hold a meeting within the next two weeks to draw up plans for the zone three addition that was discussed at the annual meeting. Dave Prochazka asked if we are required to have a back up system by the county. Evan responded that its only necessary for emergencies. Evan also said that the need for a new generator will be evaluated and addressed next year. The generator is a 12 and we need at least 20 for starting power. Mark Achzenick suggested that what ever the committee decides to do, the system should be kept simple to operate and maintain.
Four Lakes Board Meeting
March 18th, 2010 Pg. 2
5.. Community Property
Terry asked about the discussion that was held at the annual meeting regarding the entrance sign. The annual meeting minutes were reviewed regarding the issue and since there was no particular plan at this time to address it, it was suggested that the sign be pressure washed sometime in the near future.
Rod reported that he ordered the Sanican to be delivered around the first of April for community activities.
6. Lakes
Steve Scott sent an email to the Board regarding the committees plans for the lakes, which included the Fishing Derby. Terry asked about the annual meeting discussion of the Fishing Derby, so the meeting notes were reviewed and included the following:
The Derby issue was brought up for discussion at the meeting by the Board, and Steve Scott was invited to share his concerns about adding too many fish for eco system to support. After about 10 minutes of discussion, the majority consensus (by show of community resident’s hands) was to limit the number of fish, to make them larger, and put them only in the big lake a few days prior to control any adult fisherman from outside the community coming in and fishing for them before the Derby. The Board agreed to discuss the issue further at its next meeting.
The Board also discussed the committee’s future plans for the lakes, including beaver control, the biology report that was done several years ago.
The Board reviewed information provided by the Lakes Committee on their first meeting under their new Chair, Steve Scott. All were impressed with the thoroughness and thought displayed.
The Board approved the derby with the following restrictions:
· Restricted to one lake
· Fewer and larger fish
· Stock as close to the derby date as possible
· Fish purchased with community funds will be used for the derby
· A permit must be obtained
7. Entertainment
Delainy Strittmatter and his wife will take over leadership of this committee.
8. Emergency Preparedness: Mark Anderson
There will be another committee meeting in May. The next emergency drill will be scheduled for October.
March 18th 2010 Pg. 3
9. Hospitality
Brendan Pecht has agreed to take over hospitality duties from Tom Price in 2010.
10. Volunteers
This committee needs a new chairperson. Until someone is found, the Board will work collectively to recruit and recognize Four Lakes volunteers.
11. Communication
The community newsletter will go out next quarter. Information about the Cedar Grove permitting process as well as specific instructions (and encouragement) on how to report odors and the Fishing Derby will be included.. Mark Achzenick will write an article about the spring clean up party.
12. Video Cameras
The Board voted to purchase “basic” cameras and post signs. Terry Deschenes volunteered to head up this project, and more information will be put in the community newsletter.
13. Election of Board Members
Tod Ray made a motion to elect the current officers for the three vacant positions for another term, Dave Prochazka – VP, Tara Bingham – Secretary, Rod Case – Treasurer.
Next meeting: April 22, 2010 @ 7:00 PM – Terry Deschenes