Four Lakes Board of Trustees Meeting,
Thursday June 17th, 2010
In Attendance: Terry Deschenes, Rod Case, Tara Bingham, Mark Anderson, , Todd Ray, Brendan Pecht, Dave Prochazka
- Approval of May Minutes
Board approved.
- Treasurer Report: Rod Case
The savings account has less in it because some funds were transferred to checking to pay for budgeted items.
The fishing derby was $100 under budget.
Cameras and signs have been purchased.
Lakes consultations and permits have been purchased.
Water management rate for Ellen Willingham, Water Quality Tech, has gone up to $3600 per year.
Pump repair actual cost was $1800
Zone 3 is almost finished.
$360 was spent for a special test to measure water levels of nitrates, radon, and etc.
There is one household that is a year behind in dues, so Rod will send the standard letter.
- Roads: Brendan Pecht
Turtles and striping are finished. More cross work painting is needed.
Invoices were submitted to Rod for maintenance supplies.
Work on 241st is stalled. Terry will contact Mark Achzenick to find out when it will begin and who will take the lead on the project.
Glen Kitchin’s project needs to be completed.
Roads committee: Mark Achzenick, Rod, Keith, Jan, Jake, and Glen.
- Water:
Zone 3 is in and tests are being done to be sure it works properly. Anderson’s pressure is better, but not the desired level yet.
A leak may exist so that will be the next issue to address.
- Community Property/Lakes
Rick Ward’s memo regarding the wet areas was read to the Board. Mowing has been halted until those areas dry out.
Steve Scott is still trying to get permission to address lake levels by using equipment. The county says the permit process is about ¾ finished. Right now we have a variance which allows cleaning out beaver dams by hand only.
Four Lakes Board of Trustees Meeting
June 17, 2010
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The Board supports the efforts of the water committee to acquire the permit and appreciate all work being done in this area.
- Entertainment
Fishing derby went well. More fish are available for residents to catch in the lake.
- Emergency Preparedness: Mark Anderson
No new business.
- Hospitality
No new business.
- Volunteers
No new business.
- Communication
Signs and cameras will be installed.
- Cedar Grove Compost
The June meeting had fairly good attendance. There were 2 Cedar Grove reps there, Claude Williams and Rick Hess from Puget Sound Air Quality were there, and a representative from Regan Dunn’s office was there. Concerned residents made comments, which were taped. A list of attendees’ names is available, so Terry is going to get a copy for our use. Our next step is to organize a group to go to the Puget Sound Air Quality Board meeting. We may want to invite the media to this meeting.
Rod mentioned that we might want to contact Cisco Morris, to see if he has any input.
- Passage Point
Rod reported that the community advisory group meeting went good. Residents who filed the lawsuit got some changes made to the plan, and they received their legal fees back. The plan has been changed to include only the first phase of 46 units, and a wooden fence will be installed on the east side of the facility.
Construction has started. The facility should be open by April, 2011. Total population should be 70 people.
YWCA now has to reinstate financing.
Next meeting: July 22th @ 7:00 PM – Terry Deschenes house