Four Lakes Board of Trustees Meeting,
Thursday July 22, 2010
In Attendance: Terry Deschenes, Rod Case, Tara Bingham, Mark Anderson, , Todd Ray, Brendan Pecht, Evan Lurton, Delainy Stritmatter, Steve Scott
- Approval of June Minutes
Board approved.
- Treasurer Report: Rod Case
Accounts receivable look better since partial payments are being made and others have paid in full. The fishing derby was $100 under budget.
Mowing costs are up but still within budget.
Lakes costs up $1250, Roads up $$874 but still within budget.
- Roads: No new business
- Water: Evan Lurton
Zone three leaks addressed
Monitoring pressures to fine tun settings
Zone 3 was terminated at the corner of Ray’s property and a blow-out port installed.
Zone 2 line capped
System leaks checked; system is still leaking so Even will continue to identify where
Other distribution valves will be evaluated
Testing: All bacteriological, IOCs and Radionuclides passed
Evan will contact Tom Norton’s son for consultation on propane generator
Well site: Back up pump replacement completed; emergency tank needs to be relocated to within compound
Pump house roof will be addressed 2011
- Community Property
Mowing has started again.
Moles: Rod says traps work better than bait
Field may need aeration next year
Terry will power wash entrance sign
- Lakes: Steve Scott
· Lakes committee is waiting for water level to drop so that work on deceivers can begin
· Permit process is in final review, according to King County
Four Lakes Board of Trustees Meeting
July 22, 2010
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· Request for more money for more lake weed/water lilly removal was denied due to lack of budget funds, so work will not continue by crew. So far $1200 was spent on the effort and one third of the lake was cleared.
· The Board would like the Lakes committee to evaluate weed removal costs for next year’s budget, which should include herbicides and submit a detailed plan.
· Terry will contact Tom Hill regarding his bid for weed abatement for next year’s budget and forward the information to the Lakes committee.
· Tod Ray asked about killing the weeds earlier in the year with a product called Aquatrol, which kills from the bottom. The Board asked him to forward this information/questions to the Lakes committee.
· King County has given permission to begin excavation for lakes projects. Mark Achzenic has agreed to lead out.
· The Board supports the efforts of the water committee to acquire the permit and appreciate all work being done in this area.
· Mark Anderson has information about using a professional beaver trapper. Terry voiced concerns that another beaver will simply move in if we remove the one we have now.
- Entertainment
· Fishing derby had 30-40 participants, and about 50 fish were caught.
· The committee will discuss plans for a Fall Festival
- Emergency Preparedness: Mark Anderson
No new business.
- Hospitality
· New renters are moving into Donna Jackson’s home. Brendan will contact them.
- Volunteers
No new business.
- Communication
Concerns over wording of camera signs were discussed. Terry will check with his attorney to see if a change would eliminate possible liability problems.
Four Lakes Board of Trustees Meeting,
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- Cedar Grove Compost
The King County Council meets Monday, July 26th at Hobart Community Church @ 7:30 PM. A letter will be presented by Mr. Davis, head of the Marysville effort to rid the area of the smell. There will be an opportunity for additional comments. All Four Lakes residents are encouraged to attend! The Board approved sending an email out to Four Lakes residents to let them know about this meeting.
Keep calling in complaints and sending emails and (send copies to the King County Health Department)! Constant pressure on Cedar Grove to meet the legal obligation as set forth by the previous law suit may eventually affect positive change.
Mr. Bartlett, VP of Cedar Grove, met with Four Lakes Board members and residents at the park to discuss this issue. He admitted that they are causing odors, but tried to blame it on the dump. It was the consensus of the Board that 98% of the smell is coming from Cedar Grove compost. Mr. Bartlett hinted that the operation may be moving.
Next Meeting: Thursday, August 26th @ Deschenes