Four Lakes Board of Trustees Meeting,
Thursday, August 26th, 2010
In Attendance: Terry Deschenes, Rod Case, Tara Bingham, Mark Anderson, , Todd Ray, Brendan Pecht, Evan Lurton, Dave Prohazka, Steve Scott, Mark Achzenick
- Approval of July Minutes
Board approved.
- Treasurer Report: Rod Case
Association borrowed $2000 from water department to pay Lakes maintenance/permits costs. This amount will be recovered when 3rd quarter accounts receivable are in.
Tod Ray asked if financial reports could be posted on the website. The Board expressed concerns about the association’s financial status being made public on the web, but if any Four Lakes resident wishes to receive a copy of the monthly budget reports, they can contact Rod Case, Treasurer.
- Roads: Mark Achzenick
No activity has been started on ditch repair or culvert project because of unreturned phone calls by residents affected. Excess culvert material that had been considered for a project is no longer available.
Mark feels that the committee should now turn its attention to patching projects on hillside. Rick Ward has expressed an interest and will be asked by Mark to coordinate. Shawn Mulqueeny and other residents concerned about potholes on the hillside will be contacted to see if they will help. Steve Scott suggested that “Locate” be called before project starts.
Mark is also going to get some bids for the ditch project to see which course of action is appropriate. Terry mentioned that weeds should be cut back first.
The Roads Committee thanks Brendan Pecht for completing the striping project at the crosswalks. Brendan was also asked to put 2 single lines at stop signs.
- Water: Rod Case
Rod and Evan worked during the night to isolate lakes between Marvin and Styskal residences. Leaks may also be occurring in creek pipes.
Zone 3 is completed
If leaks are not abated, the committee will go to each resident’s home to identify where water loss is occurring.
- Community Property
Mowing continues
Park Moles: Rod says has given up on the poison. If anyone else would like to try to eliminate mole problem they should call Rick Ward.
Terry will power wash entrance sign when recovered from knee injury. Mark mentioned that his son may be interested in an Eagle Scout project that may include making a new sign. Terry agreed to work as his mentor on the project.
Four Lakes Board of Trustees Meeting,
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- Lakes: Steve Scott
· Lakes committee is waiting for water level to drop so that work on deceivers can begin. It looks like the level has been reached, so Steve is planning to drill holes for new pipes soon.
· The Lakes Budget process should begin early to address funds needed for effective lakes management in 2011. Steve will provide information on costs involved for mechanical cutting of weeds versus chemical treatment, which will include permits needed. Terry will forward the information he has on a person who can apply herbicide to the Lakes committee.
· Steve suggested that the Board identify a new Lakes committee chairman for 2011, as his schedule will become more challenging in the near future. Terry asked for a list of Lakes committee members, and will call Bob Liebling to see if he is interested.
- Entertainment: Terry Dechenes
· Terry will call Delainy Stritmatter to see if the committee has discussed plans for a Fall Festival
- Emergency Preparedness: Mark Anderson
· Emergency Drill planned for October, 2010. Emergency committee will meet in September to make plans.
- Hospitality: Brendan Pecht
· Brendan introduced himself to the renters who moved into Donna Jackson’s home. Bill Steindle and family plan to be there for a couple of years or so. Brendan shared information about the community with Bill and welcomed him to Four Lakes. .
- Volunteers
No new business.
- Communication
· The Board agreed to remove video surveillance signs.
· A newsletter will be published in September. Items will include achievements for 2010 by committees and the Board; Lakes work, stop lines, the Fall Festival, the Emergency Preparedness drill, a call for volunteers, any committee updates submitted by chairs, and a reminder about the annual meeting.
- HOA President 2011
Mark Achzenick expressed his willingness to run for president for next year. This will mean that Four Lakes HOA will need a new Roads Committee chair.
Four Lakes Board of Trustees Meeting,
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- Cedar Grove Compost: Terry Dechenes and Tara Bingham
Terry and Tara attended the King County UAC meeting in Hobart to find out what, if anything, was being done about Cedar Grove Compost.. Among those in attendance was Dow Constantine, County Exec.; Tom Carpenter, Four Creeks President; and Regan Dunn, King County Council member. The overall impression we received is that the matter is not being taken seriously.
Terry sent a letter that was previously presented to Puget Sound Air Quality during the permit comment meeting at Maple Hills, to Regan Dunn’s office. He did not get a timely response, so he followed up with a phone call.
Tara sent emails to the Four Lakes community with contact names and addresses of those officials mentioned above for a letter writing. Several Four Lakes residents joined the effort.
A copy of an email that was received from Lisa LaBrache, King County Rural Liaison, regarding Cedar Grove Composting is available from Tara or Terry for interested residents.
Keep sending email and handwritten complaints to PSAQ and provide a copy to the King County Health Department.
Next planned action is to attend the PSAQ Board meeting to share comments and concerns. Residents interested in attending should contact Terry Dechenes or Tara Bingham.
Next Meeting: Thursday September 23 @ Deschenes