Four Lakes Landowners Association
Annual Meeting Notes
February 17th, 2010
- Introduction of Trustees and Committee Chairs
- Approval of minutes from last years meeting: “APPROVED”
- Treasurer’s report – Rod Case
A. There is currently 10k in HOA checking, 8k in savings. Funds are set aside for future roads, water, lakes and community property projects. Reserves are in CDs per Board approval.
B. Reviewed 2009 Budget Expenditures
C. Extra expenditures were for fixing water leaks and the yearly well test. Electric bill has gone down significantly since repairs were done.
- Roads Committee Report – Mark Ackzenick
A. Thank you to committee members
B. Proposed budget for 2010 ($7500)
C. 2009 projects completed: Potholes filled, culverts and ditches at big lake, reflector replacement, repairs and restorations to road side.
D. 2010 projects proposed: Repair ditch on 162nd, drainage issue on 241st, ice on main road up hills, spring work party planned, list of watch areas for future patching.
E. Future plans: More asphalt will be needed in the future. We have 8k in reserves for major projects, but total cost will be somewhere between 11-14k.
Questions from floor:
· Will 162nd affect Lambert property? Answer – Not likely, but we will meet with Lamberts before proceeding.
· What about utilities along 241st? Answer – Utilities will be marked and shovel work will be done to identify cables.
- Water Committee Report – Evan Lurton
A. Thank you to committee members.
B. 2009 Quality: Tests were done and we passed with room to spare in all areas.
C. Current Use: The neighborhood is using about 25k per day or 320 gallons per household. This is consistent with State statistics.
D. Summer Use: Usage skyrockets and we have to do a better job of conserving. We should do our lawn watering at night only and remember not to use anymore water than is absolutely necessary during power outages.
E. Maintenance: Leaks have been fixed, but there may be more. Valves and cracked pipes will need to be fixed as needed. Excessive lawn watering causes problems for some neighbors,. So this issue will be addressed with a new distribution design.
F. System: Four Lakes is served by two wells. Number 1 runs 24/7; number 2 is for back up. It has failed so the pump was pulled and its being repaired. Evan keeps a log of pump run time. Its currently lower than it has been in the past, due to leakage being repaired.
G. 2010 Projects: A new water zone will be created to address pressure issues at Andersons (due to elevation) A pressure regulation and shut off will be added. Also, Even plans distribution upgrades and line blowouts at the end of 160th, and near the entrance at 164th and 239th.
E. Pump House: The building needs a new roof, wood structures need to be painted, and it may be necessary to replace the generator in the near future.
Questions from the floor:
· Will valves be replaced? Answer: Higher priority issues must be addressed first. Valves will be fixed when leaks are apparent. PVC pipes last many years.
· Should we build a more secure well building? Answer: No plans to do so now, but it may be necessary in the future.
- Community Property Report – Rick Ward
A. Most of 2009 budget was used for mowing and repairs at the park. Thanks to Rod Case for handling the Sanican issue.
B. Mowers are needed. Neighborhood kids should apply for the job with Rick.
C. Steve Scott has some trees available if someone would like to plant them in the park. Interested volunteers should see Rick.
Questions from the floor:
Is there anyway to smooth out the land at the park?
Answer: Not unless the mole problem is eliminated. Lynette Case is checking on poison grubs and worms.
What can be done about vandals in the park?
Answer: Vehicles have been driving on the lawn. Mr. Bloom has been keeping an eye out and telling them to leave, but he was encouraged to take a neighbor with him when confronting them.
Does the Four Lakes entrance sign need attention? A work party can be formed to take care of this and other community property issues. Interested parties should contact Rick.
- Lakes Committee Report –Dave Prochazka, VP
A. A weed cutter was purchased for $3000 and ½ of the lake was cleared with the help of several volunteers.
B. Aqua Tech is no longer able to provide chemical abatement, so Terry Deschenes is checking on other options.
C. The beaver situation is being handled with deceivers that have been installed on some lakes. More may be needed.
D. A new committee chair person is needed for the Lakes committee.
Questions from the floor:
Can we replace the fallen tree on the island with a structure for the eagles? Answer: The Board is discussing options. There was also a caution that the island itself is actually part of the Morris property so they would have to be involved.
Are the Lakes tested for Giardia? Answer: It was suggested that this happen in 2010. Rod Case will bring the issue to the Lakes Committee.
- Entertainment Report – Kristie Achzenick
A. Events: Any new ideas regarding future activities should be directed to Terry Deschenes. We are especially interested in planning something for Fall, 2010.
B. Volunteer Need: A new chair person is needed for the committee.
- Hospitality –No new business.
- Legal / Insurance – No new business
- Communications –
A. Newsletters will continue to be published. Residents are encouraged to contribute.
B. Residents are encouraged to provide email addresses to the Board for information sharing. All addresses will be kept confidential.
- Emergency Preparedness – Mark Anderson
A. The Four Lakes Emergency Plan was developed in 2009
B. An Emergency Preparedness drill was held 10/23/2009 and 41% of households were represented. Concerns for future drills were discussed.
C. More Emergency Info booklets are available. See Mark if interested.
D. Radio plan is overseen by Rick Ward, licensed operator. Neighborhood channel is 14. Details will be sent out in 2010.
E. Keep radios ready and necessary equipment handy in case of emergencies. The idea is to be as self sufficient as possible, which takes stress of the 911 system.
- Volunteers – Brendan Pecht
A. Chair people needed for Lakes and Entertainment (Steve Scott has volunteered to chair the Lakes Committee)
B. Volunteering benefits -Keith Renfrew
C. New Board Members are needed
D. Volunteer Appreciation dinner was held at a local restaurant and appreciation certificates were given out. Shawn Mulqueeney was recognized as Volunteer of the Year. More certificates will be sent out to volunteers who elected not to attend the dinner.
E. A new Volunteer Recognition chair is needed.
F. Thank you to all Four Lakes volunteers!
- Old Business
A. Cedar Grove Composting: Puget Sound Clean air has fined them several more times since our last meeting. The permit process is on going and a public hearing will occur in the near future. All residents are encouraged to call Puget Sound Air Quality and the Health Department with complaints. The Telephone numbers are listed on the Four Lakes HOA website.
B. Passage Point: The Court ruled permits were illegal, so the project was stalled for a time, but in December the group that was suing dropped its case. The original plan of 46 units will go ahead. Rod will continue to represent our neighborhood on the Community Planning Committee.
- New Business
A. No trespassing signs – Tara Bingham posted signs with the help of Steve Scott in response to inquiries about bow hunting in the neighborhood. Residents are encouraged to call the Sheriff if hunters are seen in Four Lakes.
B. Video Surveillance: Dave Prochazka, VP – The Board invited community input as to whether or not this is a good idea. A short discussion followed. Most residents supported the idea of some kind of security for the neighborhood. There was a suggestion about putting windshield tags in resident’s cars. Another suggestion was made about putting up some
“No Soliciting” signs up at the entrance. Also, it was suggested that when crimes happen it be posted on the community board so everyone is aware. One resident suggested that no matter what we do, posting signs stating that there are video cameras installed is probably a good idea. The Board will continue to discuss the matter.
C. Fishing Derby: The Board asked the attendees if they supported having a derby every year and the majority said yes. A concern was raised by Steve Scott about planting trout in the lakes that have an effect on frog populations, which lead to more mosquitoes, as well as drawing strangers to the lakes. When asked how many fish were being planted, Tom Price replied that about 500 or so were distributed in the lakes each year. It was mentioned that some are lost to predations by otters, eagles, and cormorants, and that about 100 or so are caught every year during the derby. Most agreed that fewer fish should be planted, but the matter was deferred to the Lakes committee.
- Election of New Board Members
A. Three positions were open. Mark Achzenick and Terry Deschenes agreed to serve another term, and Delainy Stritmatter volunteered. It was moved to elect these individuals to the Board. All candidates were approved by the community.
B. Terry Deschenes agreed to serve another year as president. Residents were encouraged to consider running for this position in 2011.
Meeting Follow-up:
Mike Goza would like to be on the Lakes Committee.
Kevin Bruce would like to volunteer to be on the Lakes committee.
For billing purposed and the Phone Directory, change the records to be Ben & Sharon Ayers.