Fourlakes Board Meeting November 19th, 2009 pg 1
In attendance: Rod Case, Tara Bingham, Dave Prochazka, Tod Ray, Mark Anderson
1. Treasurer Report: Rod Case –
- Steve Scott spent $418.00 on a new beaver deceiver; otherwise the Association checking account balance will be about 10k when end of year invoices for dues are paid.
- CNA Financial who owns the old Roberts property is a full year behind in dues. The Association attorney will be filing another lien on the property.
- Styskal is three quarters behind in dues. A letter will be sent by the attorney in an attempt to collect the debt.
- A resident recently complained about a $2 interest charge on a late invoice for dues; Rod reviewed the Bylaws which allow such an assessment with the resident, who promptly paid the past due amount but not the interest charge.
- Tod Ray asked if the Board had made a decision about raising or lowering the dues according to the cost of living index. Rod reported that the cost of living index was up +5% in 2008 and -0.3% in 2009, so the decision was to leave the dues at their current level.
2. Roads: Tod Ray:
- Glen Kitchin is concerned about the committee’s decision to address the flooding on his property pending approval of funds at the association meeting in February 2010. A survey was done by the utility company but it wasn’t recorded and the flags are now gone. Tod has a diagram if the Road’s committee needs to use it, but he feels it’s probably best to kill the weeds and do the survey again. Tod also says that Keith may be able to fix the problem on 241st with asphalt and a tamper, but it may actually be necessary to hire a professional. It was suggested that the Water and Roads committees come up with a plan to assess the area after another survey is done, and this time the survey should be recorded with better diagrams and photos. This information will be forwarded to Mark Achzenick, head of the roads committee, and Evan Lurton, head of the Water Committee.
3. Water: Rod Case –
- The repair of leaks this summer may have had a significant difference after all. The amount of water being used by the Association is now down below usage a year ago.
Fourlakes Meeting November 19th, 2009 pg 2
- Craig and Kathleen Anderson’s water line issue is currently being designed by the Water committee.
- The main well has a spare pump which is in good working order, but the second, older well (#2) that is used for emergency back up demand is high during the Summer months needs some work. Evan has contacted a contractor to pull the pump and motor out of the well for repairs.
4. Community Property
· A light was replaced in the park.
5. Entertainment:
- No new business
6. Lakes:
- Shawn Mulqueeny submitted a memo that will be posted on the Association website.
- Rod talked with local golf courses to find out what their techs do to keep their lakes clear. He found out that the greens keepers are certified to used chemicals.
7. Legal/Insurance: No new business
Hospitality: Tom Price was asked to welcome Chris Jones who bought Horrocks property. He now needs to also visit the Holecek family which has recently moved into their new home.
9. Volunteers:
- We are still searching for a new HOA President. Terry’s term will end this year. Any interested residents should call a member of the Board.
- Tara will confirm that committee chairs will continue to serve in 2010. She will also ask for names of outstanding volunteers from each committee.
- Tara will contact Brendan to assist him with a volunteer recognition luncheon or dinner, to take place in January. The need for a new president will be presented to this group.
Fourlakes Meeting November 19th, 2009 pg 3
10. Communication:
· Newsletter will come out this quarter with information about video security, tree trimming, and the annual meeting. Submissions/suggestions should be sent to Terry via email.
· No Hunting or Fishing signs will be purchased with Association funds by Tara and posted around the community. An article will be placed in the Newsletter explaining that these signs are a result of requests from non residents to bow hunt in the area.
· Information including the location of the Annual Meeting will be included in the Newsletter. Rod will ask Mark Achzenick about which date in February will work for him.
11. Emergency Preparedness: Mark Anderson
· A drill was held in October with about ½ of the community participating. Over all the drill went well.
· Concerns raised during post drill discussion by the committee responsible included: 1.Training for structural damage situations needed for zone captains; 2.The need for fire extinguishers to be recharged and placed outside near the front of homes during an emergency; 3.How to handle water service interruption during an emergency situation; 4. Finding out where electrical panels in resident’s homes are located;
5. what to do in a downed power line situation; 6. The need for more comprehensive emergency contact and procedure lists from zone captains. Mark Anderson will submit information regarding answers or plans for these issues to Terry for the Newsletter.
12. Passage Point: Rod Case – No new business
13. Cedar Grove Composting:
- Residents are encouraged to keep calling and emailing Puget Sound Air Quality at . Send a copy of your email to the Association website so that a paper trail is created should legal action become necessary.
Next Meeting: 7:00 PM December 14th at Dechenes home.