2009 May Meeting Minutes

Fourlakes Meeting Notes

May 21, 2009

Approval of April meeting minutes.

Budget – Rod Case

·         No changes. 

·         Schaffer residence will be occupied by June and dues will begin in July.

·         CNA Financial owns the Roberts property.

Roads – Mark Achzenick

·         Crosswalks will be painted soon during good weather.

·         Tod met with a city roads person re: maintenance suggestions.  Keith has notes.  Tod will meet with rep again before sharing information with committee.  Of particular interest is drainage problem on 241st

Water: Evan Lurton

·         Plans to paint well building will be implemented this spring. 

Community Property

·         Rick reported earlier to Terry that there are no new projects planned.  Mowing contract for park has been assigned. 

·         The Schellis family will contact the Board re: planting a memorial bush on behalf of a former resident who recently passed away.


·         Kara Mulqueeny reported earlier to Terry that the event sign is working well.

·         Fishing Derby scheduled for June 13, 2009.  Breakfast and other activities will take place at the community park gazebo. 

Five hundred 8-10 inch fish will be planted in the main lake, lake 2, and Bender’s lake.  Several pounds of 11-14 inch and fish weighing 1-3 pounds will also be planted for the envent. 


·         Shawn reported earlier to Terry that Aqua Tech will apply herbicide when lake level is lower. 

·         More carp are being added to the big lake.

·         Tod reported that he believes the culverts on lake 2 show no sign of beaver activity.  He suggested that a committee of several volunteers take responsibility on a rotating schedule to clean out the culverts every two weeks.  He also mentioned that some pruning of dead branches needs to be done.  Volunteers for this committee include Rod, Tod, Tom, Dave, Mark Anderson, and Mark Achzenick.  Terry will work out a schedule. 

·         Mark Achzenick suggested that oyrflow tubes need to be changed and concrete added to current system on lake 2. 

·         Terry reported that a resident called him about a fire being built on community property by someone who may not have been a resident.  A board member volunteered to find out if kids were involved.  No trespassing signs may need to be posted. 

Fourlakes May 21st Meeting                                                                               Pg2

Lakes, continued: 

Legal:  Terry Deschenes

·         Insurance agent suggested an umbrella policy should be added to our current policy.  The Board felt that this was not necessary and that the current level of coverage was adequate. 

Hosptality – Tom Price

·         The Board welcomed our new neighbor, Brad Evans to the community.

Volunteers – Terry Deschenes

·         The search for a new president in 2010 continues. Interested residents should contact Terry Deschenes.

·         John Olson was recognized with a no host luncheon for the many hours of volunteer work he did while living in Fourlakes. 

Communication:  Terry Deschenes

·         A newsletter will come out this summer.  Terry will also complete work on the bulletin board. 

Emergency Preparedness – Mark Anderson

·         Radio drill was held with good results.  Rick Ward is working on an instruction sheet.  The channel to use in case of an emergency is #14. 

Passage Point – Rod Case

·         No changes

Community Web Page – Terry Deschenes

·         No changes


Cedar Grove Compost: Terry Deschenes

·         Terry reported that May 20th was the due date for Cedar Grove to submit paperwork for their permit.  Puget Sound Air Quality will go over the paperwork and allow public comment.  The permit process will most likely take most of the summer.  Terry also contacted the Health Dept. and requested a copy of Cedar Grove’s operating plan on behalf of the Board. 

New Business:  Faux video cameras are being considered for security reasons.  Terry will contact Mr. Spence who is a security expert for input. 

Next Meeting:  Tuesday, June 16, 7:00 PM @ Terry’s.