Fourlakes Meeting Minutes March 25, 2009
In attendance: Terry, Tod, Rod, Dave and Mark Anderson
1. January minutes approved
2. No corrections of annual meeting minutes
3. Treasurer – No significant changes since annual meeting. Past dues are on schedule with payments.
4. Roads – Keith Renfrew and John Olson have been doing some cold patch work and shoulder work over the weekend. Tod described a conversation he had with a public works official for the city of Issaquah who has volunteered to come out and provide free advice on how best to maintain the roads. Tod was looking for a list of what areas should be shown to this gentleman. It was agreed that he would obtain the list from Mark Achzenick and would coordinate his activities through the roads committee.
5. Water – Painting, new roof and possible new generator purchase are on the schedule
6. Community Property – Need to decide what action should be taken for new sanican. It was agreed that Rick Ward should decide if we should purchase another or rent. We also discussed working toward acquiring additional people to work on the committee with Rick. Terry discussed possibility of installing camera surveillance. Interest was expressed by all present, but additional information is needed.
7. Entertainment – Easter Egg hunt April 11, 10 AM. New Sign has been purchased for promotion. They need additional volunteers. Terry will see what he can do to drum some up for him.
8. Lakes – No new actions
9. Legal/Insurance – no action necessary
10. Hospitality – no action
11. Volunteers – Discussed that we need to involve additional people in selecting volunteer of the year. Also that we need to be aware that it doesn’t become something that is passed around the board. Talked about the need to find next year’s president. Terry to talk with Jackie Greening, Rod to talk to Pauline Bruce, Dave to talk with Jan Pelroy and Mark Anderson to talk to Willy Gevers.
12. Communications – Terry will publish a news letter at the end of the month. Possible article suggestions: Arson and what the penalties are – that we are considering closed circuit TV. Cedar Grove hearing process.
13. Emergency Preparedness – still need to complete some radio training with individuals who have not had it yet.
14. Passage Point – further community advisory committee meetings continue. However no activity by the Y is being undertaken pending resolution of the lawsuit, estimated to occur May 1st.
15. Cedar Grove Compost – No new actions – waiting for license renewal process to start in next month or so.
16. Snow removal and ice on lakes – Tod said the guy from Issaquah Public Works had discussed the application of deicers on the roads and was going to discuss when he visited with the road committee. The board agreed that the issue of thin on ice on the lakes should be dealt with by posting of signs.
17. New Business – What did we do right and what could be improved at the annual meeting? Everyone agreed the meeting went very well. Lots of involvement and good attendance. Everyone agreed that having it within the community was an excellent idea and we should continue to do it if Mark and family are willing! More heat was the only suggestion for improvement.
18. New Officers – The vote was unanimous to Elect Dave as VP, Rod as Treasurer and Tara as Secretary.
19. Next Meeting – Monday, April 20th.