2009 June Meeting Minutes

Fourlakes Board Meeting                             June 16, 2009

In attendance:  Rod Case, Brendan Pecht, Tara Bingham, Dave Prochaska, Terry Deschenes

1.  Treasurer Report:  Rod Case – Fish planting for the Fishing Derby cost $598;$700 was budgeted for the entire event.

Past due accounts are being paid regularly by those in arrears.

2.  Roads:  Brendan Pecht – Striping and turtles still planned for this summer. 

3.  Water:  Rod Case/Terry Deschenes – Warmer weather caused a lower pressure situation which affected Craig Anderson’s water supply.  Even Lurton will address this issue with either a booster pump or a configuration change. 

There is also a leak that needs to be fixed near the Guth property, and the line at the culvert under the road needs to be repaired. 

Well house roof may have to wait until 2010. 

4.  Community Property: Terry Deschenes – Lawn service may be changed by Rick Ward, committee chair. 

Beaver wars continue with cleanout committee checking problem weekly.  The general consensus is that we need to lengthen the tubes and put them deeper to fool the beaver because they are plugged up almost as soon as they are cleaned out.  Rod Case with discuss this with committee chair, Mark Achzenick.

5.  Entertainment:  Terry Deschenes – Kara reported that the Derby was a big success.  Tom Price has photos for website.  The next event will be an end of summer blow out around Labor Day.

6.  Lakes:  The committee recently metto discuss applying herbicides and the grass carp.  The aeration project is also being discussed. 

Lakes clean up party for Derby went well.

Rod Case suggested that the lakes be tested at least once a year for fecal count. The Board agreed. He will contact Shawn about doing so. 

7.  Legal/Insurance:  Terry Deschenes – Umbrella policy was cancelled.  A refund should be back to the treasurer within two weeks. 

8.  Hospitality:  Tom Price welcomed the new neighbor and recruited him to join the Lakes committee. 

Foulakes Meeting                                             June 16, 2009                          pg 2

9.  Vounteers:  Brendan Pecht – the search for our new President continues. 

10.  Communication:  Terry Deschenes – Newsletter will come out later in the summer. It will include a story and photos about the Fishing Derby.

11.  Emergency Preparedness:  Drill will happen later this summer.

12.  Website:  Minutes, photos and important documents are stored there. Several Board members have access codes for documents such as the By Laws. 

13.  Cedar Grove Composting:  Public Relations letter was received by the Bingham household, possibly in response to all the complaints called in by Wayne Bingham.  The community is strongly encouraged to call Puget Sound Air Quality to lodge complaints, or to send emails to the Fourlakes email complaint site when compost odor is a problem.  The biggest concern is that there is too much material for the company to deal with, so the problem will not likely get better.  Complaints are important for any future legal action that might be necessary.

14.  Video Surveillance:  Terry Deschenes – Spencer Sheldrew who is a security specialist, has been contacted to acquire information on the feasibility of installing video cameras at the entrance of Fourlakes. . It was decided that the Jackson residence might be a good place for the server.  Video surveillance would make it possible to ensure the security of our neighborhood by recording license plates of drivers going in and out of our community.  The Board will discuss this issue further at the next meeting. 

15.  New Business:  In response to letter received by Steve Scott and his immediate neighbors, a letter will be sent out to inform them that Lake 5 has not and will  not be stocked with trout this year.  Terry Deschenes, HOA President, will send the letter. 

Next Meeting – Summer schedule will be as needed; September 2009 will be our next definite meeting, date TBA.