2009 January Meeting Minutes

Fourlakes Meeting Minutes                         January 22, 2009

In attendance:  Terry, Rod, Dave, Mark Anderson, Mark, Tom, Tara and Tod

I.  November Minutes Approved

II.  Treasurer Report:  Rod Case

Van Cleave property is now owned by Nolet.  Letter has been sent by the association attorney re: dues.

Styskal dues paid.  Lien has been removed. 

Dues Increase:  Rod proposed a 5% increase in dues to cover project budget needs for 2009. The board approved this proposal.  This increase will be explained at the Annual Meeting which is scheduled for February 26th, 2009.

II.  Roads:  Mark Achzenick

Roads committee held a meeting on 1/20/09.  Ditching will need to be done in the next year to address any flooding concerns that might arise.  Options were discussed re: emergency road conditions such as snow and ice or downed trees.  The committee is considering purchasing a universal snow blade or using ice melt material.  The committee is working on solutions and will present their plans at the Annual Meeting.  Tara will talk to Brendan Pecht about painting the crosswalks and new reflectors. 

III.  Water:  Rod Case

The generator may need to be replaced soon, so the committee is exploring options. One suggestion was install a propane unit with an automatic monitoring system.  A new roof will be installed on the well house in 2009. 

IV.  Community property:  Rod Case

Rod has installed a deodorant unit in the sanican. 

V.  Lakes: Aquatech will apply weed killer in the Spring or later.

VI.  Volunteers:  Tara will talk to Brendan about volunteer activity to recognize outstanding volunteers who participated in 2008.  The December activity was cancelled because of weather conditions.  Also possible new volunteers include Jackie Greening (Terry will contact), Willie Gevers (Mark Anderson will contact), Bob Jones (Rod Case will contact).   Tod reminded us that any officers must be on the Board, according to the Bylaws. 

VII.  Communication:  Terry will send out another invitation to the annual meeting.  Subjects to be discussed include Cedar Grove Composting and how to report odors.  Terry will also set up a Fourlakes website for the purpose of documenting all reports through emails.  For now, residents should contact Puget Sound Air Quality. 

VIII.  Emergency Prepardness:  Mark Anderson

All but 10 neighbors have been contacted.  The new emergency radio policy was given out to the Board for review.  The policy will be presented at the Annual Meeting.  Mark said they want to hold a drill in the Spring and Fall, 2009.  Radios should be kept charged. 

VIII.  Passage Point:  Rod Case

No new information. 

VV.  Preparation for Annual Meeting:  Terry Deschenes

Terry will send out an email to Board members re: agenda for Annual Meeting.  The location is the Issaquah Police Station.  Comiitte chairs will share their budget needs and plans for 2009 so that attendees have a chance to vote. 

MISC.  Ice on the Lakes

The Board discussed options to deal with this problem.  It was decided that a sign would be posted on the back of the Fourlakes Community park sign which warns of the danger of thin ice. 

Sympathy plant was sent to Steve Scott on behalf of the Board.

Sympathy flowers were sent to the family of Charlie Schaefer on behalf of the Board. 

Next Meeting:  February 26th, Issaquah Police Station