2009 December Meeting Minutes

Fourlakes Board Meeting                             December 14, 2009                pg 1

In attendance:  Rod Case, Tara Bingham, Dave Prochazka, Tod Ray, Mark Anderson, Brendan Pecht, Terry Dechenes

November Minutes were approved with changes proposed by Tod Ray. 

1.  Treasurer Report:  Rod Case –

  • CNA Financial who owns the old Roberts property is a full year behind in dues.  The Association attorney has filed a  lien on the property. 
  • Styskal is three quarters behind in dues.  If a payment has not been made by the due date of Dec. 30 a letter will be sent by the attorney in an attempt to collect the debt. 
  • Rod reported that there was $9000 in the Association’s checking account, and recommended that $8000 of the funds be transferred to interest bearing savings accounts for Roads and Lakes maintenance, with $4000 going into each.  The Board approved this motion. 
  • Rod still needs budget plans for Roads, Volunteers, and Hospitality.
  • Community Property submitted an end of year invoice for mowing. 

2.  Roads:  Mark Achzenick:

·        Mark made personal contact with Glen Kitchin regarding his concerns about the possible flooding on his property.  The outcome of that contact is that Mark, Rod, Tod , Evan and Glen will meet at a later date to develop a solid plan to be implemented in the Spring of 2010.  Rod mentioned that there were some culvert pipes in the area that might be available for the project. Terry said he would call Glen Kitchin to give him an update. 

·        It was agreed that the brush along 241st will need to be removed, and another utility location survey will need to be done.  (It appears that the water problem is caused by natural springs and not the stream.)   Mark said that it looks like either a ditch or a culvert would abate the water flow. 

·        Trees:  Mark said that most of the original problem area has been done, but more volunteers need to come out and do the loop road.  Some high areas may need to be done by a professional.

·        Ice:  Tara suggested that Mark and several of the residents who live at the top of the hill talk about options to address dangerous conditions after a storm or

Fourlakes Meeting                                            December 14, 2009                             pg 2

·        freezing weather.  Steve Jackson is willing to use his tractor, but a spreader may need to be purchased to apply whatever material is decided upon. 

·        Tara sent out an email to the residents and asked them to contact Mark Achzenick ASAP She will also call Linda Perry, Steve Jackson and Jan Pelroy. 

3.  Water:  Rod Case –

  • Craig and Kathleen Anderson’s water line issue is currently being designed by the Water committee.
  • Evan has contacted a contractor to pull the back up well pump and motor out of the well for repairs. 

4.  Community Property

  • The light over the gazebo was replaced but it has become apparent that someone is turning the switch off, so Terry proposed that we leave it on since it has a sensor on it, and lock up the switch.  The Board approved this motion. 

5.  Entertainment

  • A new committee chair is needed. 

6.  Lakes: 

  • Still looking for better sources for application of chemicals.  The committee will continue to work on long term solutions and organize volunteers to help with weed removal.
  • A new committee chair is needed. 

7.  Legal/Insurance

  • The Issaquah School District wants written approval to run a small bus up the hill to pick up a disabled child.  After reviewing the “Hold Harmless Agreement”, it was determined by the Board that it was necessary for our Association attorney to review it.  Terry will let the School District know and forward the agreement for legal review. 


  • No new business

Fourlakes Meeting                                            December 14, 2009                             pg 3

9.  Volunteers

  • We are still searching for a new HOA President. Terry’s term will end this year.  Any interested residents should call a member of the Board. 
  • Tara confirmed which committee chairs will continue to serve in 2010..  New chairs are needed for Entertainment, Lakes, and Volunteers. 
  • Brendan Pecht and Tara are planning a Volunteer Recognition dinner on behalf of the Board.  The date is Sunday, January 17th, 2010.  More information will follow.

10.  Communication:

·        Newsletter will come out this quarter with information about video security, tree trimming, new signs that will be posted, Mark Anderson’s emergency preparedness information from the drill that was held, new board positions needed, and the annual meeting.  Submissions/suggestions should be sent to Terry via email asap. 

·        Information including the date and location of the Annual Meeting will be included in the Newsletter. 


11.  Emergency Preparedness: No new business

Next Meeting:  January  12th @ 7:00 PM.   – Dechenes home.