Fourlakes Meeting Notes
April 20, 2009
I. Approval of March Meeting Minutes
II. Treasurer Report: Rod Case
There is currently $5000 in the general fund; $7000 in the water fund, and a larger than expected expenditure occurred in the Entertainment fund, due to schedule community events such as the Easter Egg Hunt, and the banner purchased to advertise the event. All first quarter bills are paid, the Sanican was replaced at a cost of $151 ($100 per month includes insurance and bi weekly service. The Sanican was rented for six months). Credit Union CDs yielded a higher than expect return so the IRS bill for interest was $520. Collections for dues show that some accounts are behind, but two are on payment plans, 3 are one quarter behind, and the rest are 2 quarters behind.
III. Roads: Keith and John bought cold patch and gravel to repair some road problems. They have been reimbursed.
IV. Water: No new business.
V. Community Property: BJ Ward got mowing contract for the park.
VI. Entertainment: Egg Hunt was well attended! The Fishing Derby is scheduled for June 13, 2009.
VII. Lakes: Shawn needs to make arrangements for treatment soon.
VIII. Legal: No new business
VIIII. Volunteers: The Board will contact Jackie Greening, Willie Gevers and Jan Pelroy to find out if they are interested in becoming president. Anyone else interested should contact the Board.
VV. Hospitality: John Olson is moving on about the 5th of May. The Board will put together a small recognition event for him in honor of all the volunteer work he has done over the years.
VVI. Communication: Terry will continue to do the Newsletter. He will also repair the bulletin board.
VVII. Emergency Preparedness: Radio training and drill will happen on April 30th at 7:00 PM at Mark Achzenick’s barn. Residents are encouraged to participate and bring their radios.
VVIII. Passage Point: The Group for Preservation of Cedar Grove won their day in court based on the lack of legality of the LOOP permit. The court decided that the permit was not appropriate for the purposed use of the facility. King County wants to continue pursuing this however. Rod Case says we will know more about what happens next in a month or so.
VVIIII. Cedar Grove Compost: Keep calling, writing emails, and documenting odor problems! The permit for continued operations will be issued in May, but we can have an impact on conditions of the permit. Terry will post email address on the bulletin board for residents to use when writing a complaint or discussion issue so we have documentation.
Next Meeting: May 21, 2009 – 7:00 PM at Terry’s house.