Fourlakes Annual Meeting February 26th, 2009 pg1
In Attendance: Terry Deschenes, Mark Anderson, Tara Bingham, Brendan Pecht, Mark Achzenick, Dan Reid, Chris and Keith Renfrew, Teresa Johnson, Evan Lurton, Shirley Koger, Rod and Lynnete Case, Wayne Bingham, Vicky Jackson, Bob and Sue Liebling, Brent Shurtz, Glen Kitchen, Tod Ray, Chauncy Deschenes, Jacob Bender,
James Hoganson, Shawn Mulqueeny
By Proxy: Kevin Bray, Nancy Horrocks, Louis Imhoff, David Prochaka, Michael Goza, Thomas Norton, Bob Windom
ITEM I. Rick Hess from Puget Sound Clean Air
A. PSCA issues permits to properly licensed and zoned businesses in Puget Sound. They also enforce the conditions of the permit and clean air regulations.
B. Cedar Grove has many “public nuisance” complaints filed against it every year. In 2007 there were many complaints handled by our inspector, Nina Birman. Other neighborhoods such as Mazama Woods are equally concerned.
C. “Public Nuisance” means that the actions of Cedar Grove Composting company affects our “happiness and/or enjoyment of our personal property”. A “unreasonable burden” must exist before PSCA can act upon these complaints.
D. PSCA role is to insure that the company’s technology is current and that they are operating that technology appropriately. The odor problem occurs when Cedar Grove grinds up the material outside or doesn’t use their Gore material properly. It is also suspected that the negative air conditions in the building that holds the material is not working properly. PSCA investigates and assesses fines when the company does not comply with permit standards. They may also require equipment/technology upgrades.
E. Cedar Grove has contracts from King County and the City of Seattle to accept all organic waste at the Maple Valley facility and the Everett facility. While the material is stored in their building, fans are supposed to pull the air through bio filters which contain microbes that are supposed to break down the product. Mr. Hess says that the bio filters are not being maintained properly. The permit conditions state that the material must be tipped inside of the building. Investigations done in 2007 found that the material was being tipped outside of the building and that several piles were laying out uncovered.
F. The settlement agreement called for an enlarged building and no grinding of material outside, and that the material can only be processed under negative air conditions. Recent investigations found maintenance issues, such as conveyor filters. Cedar Grove is supposed to self report problems, and most of the time they do because it’s a felony not to do so.
Fourlakes Annual Meeting Minutes pg2
1. Question: Does someone come out every time we call?
Answer: We are more concerned about daily operations than complaints so we are keeping a very close eye on that, but complaints do raise awareness. Cedar Grove often claims that the odor is coming from the dump.
2. Question: What about molds and bacteria in the air?
Answer: PSCA regulates ambient air quality such as the ozone, etc. The government has published standards but the air at Cedar Grove hasn’t been tested.
3. Question: What can we do to impact the permit process, up for review in May, 2009?
Answer: Participate in the public comment hearing. Be specific – don’t just say “it stinks” but say “why hasn’t a particular issue been addressed?” You can also have your own bio-contaminate studies done.
4. Question: Should we write instead of call?
Answer: Come to the public meeting, call in complaints, write emails, and go to the website sign up for emails at the PSCA so that you can be notified about meetings.
5. Question: Is your goal zero emissions?
Answer: The process exposes the material to the air –we are concerned with that, and that the ventilation system is adequate
6. Question: Is there an agency that will come out and test toxicity? Do they have plans to expand?
Answer: Not aware of any agency that will test the air. The company wants to move to Marysville/Everett area. The staff at Cedar Grove is overwhelmed – they are trying to comply with regulations, but the City of Seattle and King County should charge more for collections so that Cedar Grove can afford to do what’s necessary. They have spent two million dollars for upgrades in recent years. The objective of the PSCA permit process is “modification” not cancellation. The Health Department sets capacity limits. Anyone unhappy with those limits should contact their councilman.
HOA Objective: Make the offensive odor cease! The facility is over capacity.
Rick Hess, Supervising Inspector
Puget Sound Clean Air
1904 3rd Avenue, Suite 105
Seattle WA 98101
Fourlakes Annual Meeting Minutes pg3
ITEM II Annual Meeting Agenda
Introduction of Board and Officers
Last year’s Annual Meeting Minutes approved
Treasurer Report: Rod Case
- Balance sheet presented and explained.
- Reserves for Community Property:$2000; Lakes: $2000; Roads: $4000. Water Reserves $62,347.39. Total Assets: $76228.36.
- Past Due Accounts: Two families are currently working on their past due amounts. Previously we had 12 accounts past due, but those have been taken care of.
- Collection Process: A lien was placed on one family – they quickly responded.
- Cost of living increase in dues as allowed in by-laws – Cost of living index showed an 8% increase in August of 2008. Because of current economic conditions, the Board mitigated a 5% increase only.
Roads: Mark Achzenick
- Thanks to the volunteer committee: J. Olson, B. Pecht, R. Case, K. Renfrew, J. Pelroy and J. Bender
- Roads check list/completed projects: Priority is safety, then potholes, then any failing areas, and finally maintenance/ditching/improvements.
- 2008: Ditch work on Loop Road completed, potholes repaired, flood cleanup (thanks to Jake Imhoff)
- 2009 Projects: Striping, turtles, speed bumps and any drainage issues.
- Flood Photos presented: Beaver trap is working, Tod Ray cleaned out 164th culvert, and a new trench and culvert was made near Evan Lurton’s place.
- Plan for Ice: Proposals include a snow blade which will cost between $400-$800; a small tractor which will cost $2800; salt/sand; or Glycol. Any thing done to kep the roads clear is problematic. The committee will continue to work on this solution.
- Tree Trimming: We need a work crew out this spring and summer to cut back bushes and trees from the road
- The well road needs to be cleaned up again
Water: Evan Lurton
- Thanks to the water committee: Keith, Rod, Terry, Marty, Ashley, and Ellen Winningham, Licensed Operator.
- We have always passed quality tests
- Meter installed two years ago indicate we are currently using about 29,000 gallons of water per day as a community. Conservation should always be the goal!
- One system outage in 2008 for a pipe break
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- 2008 – Well Site: New emergency tank, structure upgrades, ventilation, a steel access hatch we were all installed. The tank was also cleaned and sanitized. There was very little silt at the bottom, which indicates our water is very clean.
- Maintenance: Nothing major needed this year.
- The Department of Health mandated (two years ago) that we add property meters over the next ten years to access leakage. (10% leakage is allowed.) This mandate was challenged in court and was judged unconstitutional. The Health Department is appealing that decision.
- 2009: Replace roof on well house, primer and paint structures, pipe blowouts and standpipes along entry road, the end of 160th, along 164th and 239th, and the end of 162nd.
- Generator Upgrade: The committee is considering a larger unit, possibly run on propane.
Community Property: Terry Deschenes for Rick Ward
- 2008: Gravel in parking lot and at well site; repaired playground equipment; lawn mowing
- 2009: New lawn care provider is needed. The kids in the neighborhood will be asked first.
Lakes: Shawn Mulqueeny
Thanks to the committee: J. Olson, S. Scott, M. Goza, Dan, Jake, and all who have helped pull weeds and clean up problem areas.
- 2008: Grass carp are in lakes 4,5, and big lake. 40 fish were kept out to replace any lost to predators, this summer.
- Weed abatement: Fish are eating new plants first – then they will start on old growth. We should see improvements this year. Aquatech applied herbicide on lake 2 and small lake – worked well but it isn’t a permanent solution. Weed growth should be less this year.
- 2009: Airation will help with algae blooms, and it will cost about $5000 for systems. Lillypads will be sprayed again this year. We will stock the 40 fish and apply more herbicides if permits can be obtained. To cover costs we may apply for grants from Ducks Unlimited and King County.
- Beaver Control: Thanks for Mark Achzenick for his personal efforts in this area. More culverts need to be cleaned out this spring, and native plants need to be planted to shore up areas where dikes are failing. The committee will focus on lakes where beavers continue to live so that water back ups are not a problem.
Entertainment: Terry Deschenes
The committee wants to know what activities the community would like to see scheduled.
- 2009: Easter Egg Hunt; Summer Movie Night; Harvest Festival
(More participation in events is desired! Get out and meet your neighbors.) The idea of a large sign that could be hung in the gazebo when an event is planned and movie night during warm weather were both thought to be good ideas.
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Hospitality: Tom Price No new neighbors
Volunteers: Brendan Pecht
Thanks to all who volunteered in 2008! Volunteer of the year is Rod Case. Volunteer recognition activity will be scheduled in 2009.
Legal/Insurance: Terry Deschenes: Everything is up to date.
Communication: Terry Deschenes: Newsletter
Terry would like submissions and suggestions for the quarterly newsletter. He would especially like any information on what the neighborhood kids are doing in school and other activities. Its also possible that one of the kids might want to write a column for the paper.
Emergency Preparedness: Mark Anderson
Thanks to committee: Mark, Keith, Rick, Kristy, Tom and Debbie
- Goals: To share the responsibility of being prepared for an emergency
To prepare for the possibility
To achieve self sufficiency so that the 911 system is not over taxed
- Maps: Color coded zones instead of numbered with corresponding color coded address sheet.
- Rules for radio use is on the map. (Charge up your radios!)
- More radios are available for $38 per set
- Use channel 14! Rick Ward is in charge of communications. Each zone will be assigned a captain.
- Drills will be announced in August.
Passage Point: Rod Case
The Advisory Committee is working on management policies. The law suit filed against King County continues. A decision as to whether or not Passage Point will be a reality will be reached by the court this summer. The law suit alleges that King County illegally issued building permits. Rod will post a summary on the community board.
New Business: Cedar Grove Action Plan
The Fourlakes Board will discuss plans to attend the public meeting, and will also post information on our community website.
Board Members for 2009
Mark Anderson, Rod Case and Brendan Pecht were unanimously re-elected to their positions.