2008 September Meeting Minutes

Four Lakes Board Meeting

September 18, 2008

7:00 PM

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In Attendance:  Terry Deschenes, Mark Anderson, Tara Bingham, Brenden Pecht, Tod Ray, Rod Case

Item 1.  July Meeting Minutes:  Approved

Item 2.  BUDGET

Rod Case, Treasurer – presented the Budget Reports (on file): 

Total Checking/Savings $64,832.75

Total Current Assets $73,564.91

Past Due Accounts:

Harwood’s account is 8 years behind which amounts to about $3,000.00. Rod asked the board about collection options including getting the correct address for Harwood, talking to Mr. Kitchen to find out how long the house has been empty, having the attorney send a letter giving them thirty days to pay, and finally placing a lien against the Harwood property if necessary.  The Board voted to allow Rod to proceed at his discretion.

(Terry suggested that we add the step of the association attorney sending a letter to start the collection process to our current collection policy and notify the community by putting a notice in the newsletter and water billing.  This was approved by the Board.)

Styskal’s account is 4 years behind which amounts to about $1500.00. They have  been contacted in person and by mail but we’ve received no response. Rod will contact the attorney and have him send a collection letter, giving thirty days for a response.

There is another resident that is about $500.00 behind, but there are special circumstances.  Her son called about four months ago to make payment arrangements, but Rod hasn’t heard back since.  Rod will contact her again to try and make payment arrangements. If there is no response, he will have the attorney send a letter.   

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            Community property has gone over budget $653.00. This is for the gravel that was used in the parking area  and for repairs to the playground equipment which were actions approved by the Board. The Sanican was purchased for $250.00. It will be serviced once a month during winter for a cost of $40.00. Summer maintenance will be two times a month for a cost of $80.00.  Park mowing will run $360.00 over budget. This was approved by the Board.

            Misc Expenses: Rod updated the accounting program, ordered checks, a new HOA mailbox, updated the website, and bought emergency radios for the community. 

            Water Expenses: These went over budget because of the new tank and gravel. 

Item 3.  ROADS

Brendan Pecht will finish crosswalks by next month

Item 4.  WATER

There are still plans to install two prototype service vaults.  The new well house is completed, and the gravel around it is finished.  There will be another work party to install a new roof on the pump house, scheduled for September 27th .


Willows were removed on the big lake.  Legacy Landscape picked up the yard waste and hauled it away for the community for dump fees. 


There are plans to hold a Fall Festival. It was suggested that we also make arrangements to rent a theater for a family movie. Brendan will check on the rental, and we may want to combine it with our volunteer recognition by meeting at a near by restaurant for dinner before the movie.

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Item 7. LAKES

            Shawn will have another Aquatech treatment done.  Tod Ray mentioned that we night want to have water quality tests done as well.  Terry said he would forward that suggestion to the Water committee.


            Several volunteers agreed to run for board positions: Brendan, Mark and Rod.  Terry Deschenes wants to step down as president.  Board members will bring nominations for this position and vice president to the next meeting.  Brendan is working on a volunteer recognition event. Tara Bingham will continue to serve as Secretary, and Rod Case will continue to serve as Treasurer. 


Terry will continue to do the Newsletter.  He would like some input from the committees and information on accomplishments by community children to include in the newsletter.  He will put notices about the annual meeting in the Newsletter and on the community info board. 

            Terry also shared information about the Cedar Grove Compost Company and recommended that the Board develop an action plan to address odor issues.  The Board discussed several ideas which include sending emails to the Puget Sound Air Quality website at inspection@pscleanair.org. By registering a complaint we are creating a paper trail for our attorney should a lawsuit become necessary. We should also encourage community members to call the complaint line and send their own emails. Terry will put the email address and telephone number in the newsletter. 

Tara shared recently acquired info about the name and telephone number of the inspector who is responsible for Cedar Grove.  (Nina Bermhoff,at 206-689-4088.)  Nina recently stated via telephone that Cedar Grove has just installed a new slow speed grinder, as well as increased the size of the chipping building and is circulating air through a biofilter, as is required by Puget Sound Air Quality. This is a result of a list of violations and fines that were assessed last summer, and it is part of the settlement agreement between the two entities. If these modifications don’t take care of the odor problems, then it was suggested that we contact the Washington State EPA directly. 
Terry will gather more facts and also work with other area communities and ask them to log complaints of their own when necessary.  He is developing a website for information sharing. Rod stated that Sean Cronenberg has a list of other community home owners. Tod Ray stated that he had a map of the affected area, and Rod will get permission to use homeowner emails that he has acquired. 

Tod Ray suggested that we have an information sharing area in the Newsletter.  His ideas included FEMA, the FDIC, and Noxious Weed Control telephone numbers. 

Tod also suggested that the Board update our Bylaws to reflect the Board’s decision to suspend meetings for the summer.  This was approved by the Board. 

Mark Anderson said that we are no longer allowed by the county to burn yard waste.  Burning trash is also illegal.  Violations should be reported to the Fire Department.


Mark plans to do a drill in October, possibly the same day as the Fall Festival. 


            Rod reported that the Advisory Committee has finished their rules and regulations for committee conduct.  He also stated that there is a disagreement about the type of fence used to separate the facility from the homes in the neighborhood.  The planned opening date of the facility is sometime in 2010.

Other Business:  Rod Case said we need to irradiate some Japanese Knot Weed by Samulsen’s property, as it is classified as a noxious weed.