Four Lakes Meeting Minutes October 23, 2008
I. September meeting minutes approved.
II Treasurer Report: Rod
- There is $7,000.00 in the general fund and $58,700 in the water fund.
- An agreement has been reached with Mosey re: dues. The lien process has been started on Harwood and Styskal by the association’s attorney.
- There are four more accounts that are seriously behind. Rod will send final notice.
III. Roads – Terry
- Terry will talk to Brendan Pecht regarding the crosswalks being done.
IV. Water
- Prototype vault will be installed in the spring of 2009.
- Mark Anderson confirmed that the stand pipe located near Olson’s at the Y and another at the top of the hill are fire hydrant type devices. This means that homeowners may be eligible for home insurance discounts. We might want to have more of them installed some day. Our reservoir holds approximately 15,000 gallons which provides the firefighters good water capacity. A tanker truck carries no more than 500 gallons.
- Rod will send a note to Evan, head of the Water Committee to learn more about the stand pipes. Mark Anderson will check on available equipment.
V. Entertainment – Terry
- The fall festival/movie night went on as planned, but it was very cold outside so there was low attendance. It was suggested that the event be held earlier in the year.
VI. Lakes
More herbicide will be applied. The grass carp will start eating the growth on top of the lakes
- when they have eaten all the material at the bottom.
VII. Volunteerism – Brendan not present
- The board suggested that Terry continue on as president for another year. Terry agreed with the understanding that we need to choose someone to come in and be groomed to take over the position in 2010. Potential candidates were discussed. Dave Prochazka, Jackie Greening, Keith Renfrew , and Willie Gevers. These folks will be contacted by Board members who know them to see if they are interested.
VIII. Communications – Terry
- The Board decided not to release another newsletter until we have a solid game plan for addressing the odor problem at Cedar Grove Composting.
- Rod will put a notice in the next newsletter about the lien process.
- Terry will include a thank you in the newsletter to Chris Holechek of Legacy Landscaping who hauled away the lake debris.
VIIII. Emergency Preparedness – Mark
- Mark Anderson said that he was holding a final meeting on November 29th for anyone who had not participated in the information sharing part of the plan.
VV. Passage Point – Rod
- Permits have been approved by King County. Lawsuits will continue. Construction will begin soon with a planned opening in 2010. There was a community meeting in October – 2 Four Lakes residents attended. Concerns shared were impact on schools, transportation, and the main question was “Why put the facility out here?”. A graduate of a similar program was present to speak in support of the facility. She said that the natural setting was ideal for rehabilitation.
VVI. Cedar Grove Compost Odor
- The Board discussed options that were presented via email by Terry after consultation with the association’s attorney. After considering three options which included: 1. Another class action law suit filed on behalf of the association as was done previously; 2. a private law suit which would require legal fees up front; and 3.filing an injunction asking a judge to shut down their operation until they comply with PSAQ regulations which would require between $5000 and $10,000 – the Board voted to contact the former attorney’s who handled the last successful law suit against Cedar Grove to find out if they thought a new class action suit was feasible.
New Business: The Annual Meeting
- Rod suggested that we put more detailed budget information up for resident review during the meeting.
- Terry suggested that committee chairs talk about their goals for the year and how they want to spend their budget.
- The meeting date was tentatively set for February 26th, 2009.
- A rough draft for the Annual Meeting agenda will be done by Terry by our next regular meeting.
Next Board Meeting
- Thursday, November 20th at 7:00 PM at Terry’s house.