2008 November Meeting Minutes

Four Lakes Meeting Minutes                                   November 20, 2008

In Attendance:  Terry, Rod, Tod, Tara, Mark Anderson, Mark, Brendan and Tom, and Dave

I.  October meeting minutes approved.

II Treasurer Report:  Rod

Rod went over the current balances again and then suggested we open a savings account for each of the committees that receive a substantial allocation.   He suggested BECU. The Board approved this idea

Rod stated that we will have another quarter’s revenue income ($6000) by the end of the year and there should be very few expenses.  To begin 2009 we’ll have another quarter’s income,  but we will also have $4-5,000 in bills to pay as well.  Terry suggested that we accrue accounts and set reserves aside for Roads, Community Property and the Lakes committees.  The Board approved this idea. 

Rod also said that there are still 6 accounts past due for a total of approximately $6000.  He also said that the Harwood property is actually owned by Glen Kitchens.  Rod is working with Glen regarding this account. 

Styskal will not respond to any communication.  The lien has been filed by the HOA attorney.  Finance charges are accruing on the account.  The Board decided to take no further action regarding this account at this time.

III.  Roads 

Mark said that there is no major work to  be done in 2009.  More gravel is needed to address the minor problems on the Loop road.  Brendan cleaned road signs and repaired one.  Tod mentioned that when there is a hard rain a small stream runs across his road and drips into the electrical vault.  It crosses at the end of Tod’s driveway.  He thought that it was due to the conduit that was put in by Bray’s electric.  Mark said that he would check it out.  Dave stated that the committee needed to keep an eye on the ditch across from his property – it may need to be dug out soon. 

IV.  Water

Prototype water connection vaults will be installed Spring 2009.  There was a line break in the water supply by the culverts that was repaired and the system was shock treated.  As a result water flow to the Gazebo and the Jackson’s was interrupted.  Terry said that the problem was discussed by Ashely and Evan.  Since the problem may be difficult to repair, we will call in a professional..  He also called for a plan to fix Jackson’s problem by November 21st.

Rod will ask Evan to check on the status of the well generator in case of power outages.

V.  Entertainment – Terry

Terry said the committee is unsure of what to request for budget since attendance cannot be pre-determined.  Considering the importance of the Fishing Derby, the Fall Festival, and other activities, Terry suggested that the Board show its support by allocating $1400 to the fund, and he suggested we consider making an effort to call and invite everyone in the community to attend the next activity. 

VI.  Lakes

No Report

VII.  Volunteerism –

Brendan will call Pogacha restaurant to see if we can reserve the private dining area to provide dinner for our outstanding volunteers.  Tara will help him get the word out.

Terry will continue as president for one more year.  The Board is actively seeking a President elect to be mentored during 2009.

Terry suggested that we allocate $200 to the Welcome committee.

VIII.  Communication

Terry will publicize the Annual Meeting scheduled for 2/27/09.  Agenda items will include our collection policy, new board positions, the Cedar Grove action plan, and Committee chairs will present 2009 goals along with their budget request.  Outstanding volunteers will be recognized at the meeting.  Terry will also ask for input or submissions for the newsletter. 

VIIII.  Emergency Preparedness –

Mark Anderson said that by Thanksgiving all residents will be contacted.  A December  meeting will take place with any people who have not been informed about the plan.  A radio training class will be held, then a drill will be scheduled in the Spring.  The Board voted to allocate a budget of $200 for this committee. 

VV.  Passage Point – Rod

No new information

VVI.  Cedar Grove Compost Odor

Terry has not been successful at getting a response from the attorney’s that represented Four Lakes last time.  Dave said that he would attempt to contact them. 

New Business:  The Annual Meeting

Agenda and location discussed.  It will be held at the Police Station, as always on Feb. 26th, 2009

Next Board Meeting

January 22, 2009