Four Lakes Board Meeting
May 15th, 7:00 PM
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In Attendance: Terry Deschenes, Mark Achzenick, Tara Bingham, Tom Price, Tod Ray, Rod Case, Brendan Pecht
The Board approved the April meeting minutes.
Rod presented a “Profit and Loss vs Actual for January 1- May 11, 2008”. He also presented a “Balance Sheet as of May 11”, and a “Past Due Accounts summary”. As of May 12th, there were 16 past due accounts, most by a few quarters, but two are behind more than five years. A copy of the new collection policy went out to all residents with the May billing. Past due accounts will be dealt with according to this policy. (Copy of document in secretary’s file).
Mark Achzenick expressed concern about more funds being needed for future roads projects. He asked about the amoung of dues that come in on a quarterly basis; the response was approximately $3700 for the general fund and $2500 for the water fund. Mark informed the Board that he’d approved more funds for John Olson of the Roads Committee to finish his patching work, and requested that an additional $200 be added to the roads fund, which now has a budgeted total of $1000 for 2008. This action was approved by the Board. He also stated that the committee would meet and assess what road asphalt work needs to be done in over the next two – three years, and he would present the results of that meeting to the board at a future meeting. There will not be a work party formed for clean up this year.
Rod mentioned that the community expenses for lakes improvement and mowing would cost $6000. The fund total so far is $5000, but he believes that dues will cover the expense.
Terry said he thought the budget report should be broken down further so that each committee is separate. Committee chairs should also receive monthly reports. Rod agreed to follow this suggestion.
Rod stated that we need more gravel for the shoulders on 164th. It was suggested that the committee check out the possibility of using crushed concrete. Mr. Imhoff will be consulted about the suitability of this idea. Terry will find out the name of the company that sells the material for a cost comparison.
Mark said that there was a pile of material at Holecek’s that might be available for use on 164th. Terry stated that the Holecek’s received a letter about their road repairs.
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Rod stated that the work party will meet at the well site during the last weekend of May to replace the roof. Evan has already taken care of getting the spare tank up and running. It may be necessary to take down a couple of trees that are threatening to fall on the well house. Rod said he and a few volunteers will assess that issue and make a determination about whether or not the volunteers could do it or a professional would have to be called in.
Terry mentioned that 24 yards of gravel had been delivered at the well site.
Terry reported that the parking lot had been re-graveled and the grass was being mowed on a regular basis.
Tom Price said the fishing derby was still scheduled for June 14th. He said that the trout are bigger this year.
The grass carp will be planted in the big lake only, sometime after the fishing derby.
Brendan said that he will work on an activity to recognize the efforts of the community volunteers that will probably be scheduled sometime in September. He would like to spend less money than last year.
Terry has taken over the community newsletter and plans to produce one per quarter. He would like to include information about what the kids in the neighborhood are doing, and hopes that Tom and Mark’s wife might be able to help him get some information. Tom Price suggested that we include some photos of the fishing derby in our next issue. Terry thanked everyone for their contributions to the last newsletter.
Terry also suggested that we make it a practice as a Board and as members of the Fourlakes community to follow appropriate procedures when an issue comes up for discussion. All concerns and suggestions should be brought to the attention of the Board members by telephone or email. Notices should not be posted on the bulletin board.
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Rod was elected co-chair by the advisory committee at his last meeting. He said that the group had finished establishing operation procedures and they would begin putting together a timeline. Curt Reasoner was elected as Chair.
After reviewing the information that Rod collected on the cost and maintenance of the Sanican in the park, the Board voted to buy our own for $250-300, which will mean a considerable savings over renting one as we have done in the past. Rod will find out if we can purchase the current unit at a reduced rate. The company that has been servicing the unit will continue to do so. Terry will check to see if our HOA insurance will cover any damages that might occur.
NEW BUSINESS: Redwing Black Birds
The Board would like to officially thank John Olson for his willingness to improve the wildlife habitat quality of the big lake by removing some of the willow shoots that were growing in the cattails. Tod Ray recently did some follow up research on Redwing habitat and found that it would be appropriate to leave a few willows for the birds to perch on. He said that the most critical time for the birds is April 1 – August 1 because they are nesting. Tod also contacted the Audubon Society for further input.
The Board voted to suspend meetings for the summer. We will reconvene this fall – the date will be announced.