2007 October Meeting Minutes

Four Lakes Landowners Association

Board of Directors

October 17th,  2007

In attendance:       Mark Achzenick, Mark Anderson, Rod Case, Terry Deschenes, Shawn Mulqueeney, Brendan Pecht, Tom Price, Steve Scott

Guest In Attendance: Dave Prochazka

President Terry Deschenes called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in his home.   

Shawn passed around the latest Treasurer’s report.  He said that there had been no abnormal expenditures and that all budget items were inline. 

Committee Activity:


Rod reported that Keith Renfrew, John Olson, Jake Imhoff and Tom Ray have completed the ditching work along 164th, primarily between Mr. Ray’s home and the cul-de-sac road.  They discovered that the main cause of water coming onto the roadway was a small slide that blocked the ditch.  They also cleared brush and did some additional ditching work.  Overall the situation seems to be much improved.  We must now wait until the rains come to see for sure.    

Brendan reported that he has put in some of the new turtles.  He will complete the stripping and turtle work soon. 

Marty Johnson borrowed Mark Achzenick’s tractor with its brush cutter attached.  With John Olson helping they were able to completely clear the brush from original well road.  It is now very passable and is actually in pretty good shape.  There is still some standing water at the very bottom that may require additional ditch work but overall this project is completed. 


Evan Lurton, Ashley Saunders, and Rod Case had a work party to do all the planned piping work and install the new flow meter at the well head.  That work is now done and everything is working well. 

Terry is receiving price quotes for an additional storage tank.  It appears we will be able to acquire and install a 2500 gallon tank for less than $2,000.  It will initially be used next spring when the roof over our main reservoir is replaced.  It will be then be kept as an emergency backup.      

The committee now plans to replace the reservoir roof next spring.  Tom Norton has agreed to remove the old roof on a Thursday and have it completely ready for a work party on Friday to start putting on the new roof.  A specific date will be identified early next year.  

Rod and John Olson had 12 yards of 5/8- gravel delivered to the well road.  It was spread from the well head down the road to the main curve.  That entire section received between 1 and 2 inches of gravel which is now packing in nicely.  The road should be in good shape this winter. 

Community Property:

 No report


Shawn has the Dept. of Fish & Wildlife coming out this Friday (10-19).  He will spend as much time as possible with them discussing the condition of our lakes and options we might have to make them better.   

Mark A. and John O. have done some additional work on the beaver deceiver.  Turns out that the beaver was eating the plastic pipe that was laid out into the lake from the inlet!  They put additional wire mesh around the ends.     They also cleaned up the area next to the road.  Now we just have to wait for the water level to rise to see how it all works. 


The fall festival was held on October 14th after being delayed due to bad weather.  Although the turnout was somewhat small, everyone had a good time visiting and eating.  John & Joann Olson won the chili contest. 


There has been no new members move in this month.  We did receive a nice note from the Lieblings thanking us for the warm welcome as they moved back into their home.  They are glad to be back in our community. 


Brendan set up the volunteer recognition event.  Mariner’s tickets were purchased and all community members who have done volunteer work during the year invited to attend the double header on Sept. 26th.  A good time was had by all.   


The newsletter that Steve compiled and sent out this summer was very well received.  It looked very professional and had a lot of good community news in it. 

Emergency Preparedness:

There is nothing new to report. Mark Anderson has tried to get together with Debbie Burto several times but things just haven’t worked out yet.  It was agreed that he just needs to pick a date and call a meeting.


There is nothing to report in this area which is good news! 

Old Business:   

·        In the summer newsletter Steve included a suggestion that people who don’t have time to volunteer for a work party or otherwise donate time include a little extra money with their quarterly dues to help fund these activities.  A number of people have indicated they like the idea and several have begun including the voluntary extra dues. 

·        It has been confirmed that Holeceks have hooked up to our water system without going through the appropriate channels.  Terry passed around a letter he intends to send to the Holeceks asking that they contact Evan and work out arrangements agreeable to everyone.  We would like to use their new hookup as the first one using the new configuration including a meter.  Shawn was also instructed to begin billing them for water.

·        The floor was opened for discussion concerning the proposed new usage of the old Alcohol Treatment Center facility.  In cooperation with the county the YWCA has started planning on a “halfway house” for ladies coming out of prison and various shelters.  The purpose is to provide a mechanism for these ladies to be introduced back into mainstream society with their kids in lieu of the children being placed in foster care and the ladies left on their own.  There have been several public meetings to discuss this proposal.  Some members of our community have expressed strong opposition to such a plan.  Others, although concerned, are more open to further discussion.  Terry stated that he did not feel it was appropriate for the Board, (certainly without clear direction from the Community) to take a stand one way or the other.  Discussion followed.  Since most community members know very little about this proposal, the Board agreed that the best approach for now was for us to foster another open meeting with the YWCA.   We would encourage 4 Lakes members as well as other local communities to attend.  The YWCA would be asked to explain their plans and collect concerns from those in attendance.  We would try very hard to make this a good open discussion meeting and not just a “bitch” session.  Terry will call the Y representative and try to set something up.    

New Business:   

·        Puget Sound Energy and BPA have done some tree cutting under the big power lines.  Although some people do not like to see any trees cut down, this operation seemed to be done in professional manner. 

The next meeting is scheduled for November 8th

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 pm.