Four Lakes Landowners Association
Board of Directors
March 28th, 2007
In attendance: Mark Achzenick, Mark Anderson, Rod Case, Terry Deschenes, Shawn Mulqueeney, Brendan Pecht, Tom Price, Steve Scott
Not In Attendance: Kit Nau
Association Member in Attendance: John Guth
President Terry Deschenes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at his home.
This was the first meeting of the Board for 2007. Terry welcomed new members Mark Anderson and Brendan Pecht.
This being the first meeting of the New Year, several administrative items were taken care of first:
- Our new procedure of electing the coming years President before the annual meeting meant that Terry D. was already in place for 2007. The remaining officers – Steve Scott (Vice President), Rod Case (Secretary), and Shawn Muqueeney (Treasurer) volunteered to retain their roles for the year. They were accepted unanimously. Shawn did note that his 3rd term on the Board ends this year making 9 years of continuous service. He plans on taking a much deserved hiatus in 2008. Because of this he encouraged the Board to identify someone to take over the Treasurer role next year. When we have identified that person, Shawn will train that person to insure a smooth turnover of the duties.
- Meeting on Thursdays creates a conflict for several members of the Board. After some discussion it was decided to meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm.
- Board member assignments to committees for 2007 were verified. Steve will continue with Communications, Mark with Roads, Kit will continue with Volunteers and Brendan agreed to help her with this committee, Tom will continue with Hospitality, Shawn with Lakes, and Terry with Legal/Insurance.
Committee Reports:
Terry spent some time going over the plans of each committee which had been presented at the annual meeting. Terry will prepare a summary of 2007 goals and use it for discussion at each of the Board meetings.
Kristy Azchnicks will no longer be able to chair the Entertainment committee so we will have to find a new person to fill this vacancy. This matter will be turned over to the Volunteer committee for resolution.
Chairs for several standing committee will remain the same in 2007. Mark A. for Roads, Evan Lurton for Water, Rick Ward for Community Property.
A new committee, Emergency Planning, is being formed with Deborah Hoganson as chair. Mark Anderson will be the Board interface to that committee.
Several committees are making plans to meet for the first time soon.
Old Business:
We have still not heard from the Van Cleaves regarding the pickup truck blocking the well road. After some discussion the Board agreed that it is time to send them a registered letter asking that they remove the truck or tell us it is not theirs. Terry will draft a letter for review.
New Business:
Tom Price brought up the suggestions of building a dock and sports court. These suggestions were referred to the Community Property committee for review.
The next meeting was set for 7:00 PM on April 11th at Deschenes’.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.