Four Lakes Landowners Association
Board of Directors
August 8th, 2007
In attendance: Rod Case, Terry Deschenes, Shawn Mulqueeney, Brendan Pecht, Tom Price, Steve Scott
Not In Attendance: Mark Achzenick, Mark Anderson,
President Terry Deschenes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Steve and Monica Scott.
Shawn gave a brief Treasurer’s report saying that there had been no abnormal expenditures and that all budget items were inline. 3rd Quarter billing will go out in the next couple weeks.
Committee Activity:
Rod reported that he, Keith Renfrew, John Olson and Tom Ray had done a close inspection of the ditch situation along the south side of 164th recently. They found that the original ditching was still in relatively good condition although it is further back off the road than you would expect and is badly grown over with brush in places. It appeared that a majority of the water coming onto the street was the result of a small slide which had blocked part of the ditch. It was decided that instead of bringing in a backhoe they would try some clearing and hand shovel work instead. That work has now been done. The work has clearly made a big difference. The road now is dry. They will continue to watch the situation as wetter weather comes but for now it appears we will not have to do the major ditch work that was anticipated. Keith still plans on having Jake Imhoff come over with his backhoe to do a little work just above the SE 62nd St. intersection later this month.
Brendan reported that he has to buy some turtles and he will then complete the stripping and turtle work he committed to.
The committee still intends on clearing the brush that has grown up on the well road past the Van Cleave property. The road base seems to be in pretty good shape and once the brush is cleared the road should be passable. Brendan said that Jan Pelroy has a nice brush cutter. Rod will check with Jan to see if we can use it. If not we may hire someone to come in and do the work.
At a committee meeting held earlier this summer Jan Pelroy volunteered to work on a plan for making long term improvements to the roads. This plan will include major repaving and possibly widening work. Cost estimates will be included. The goal is to have something ready for presentation at the next annual meeting.
Terry reported that the committee is still looking at options for acquiring an auxiliary tank. Tanks are readily available but so far we have not been able to verify that any of them are certified for drinking water use. Terry is still working on this.
The committee met again up at the well site and finished uncovering all the pipes, valves, and wiring. Evan has now developed a comprehensive schematic for how he wants the piping, shutoff valves, and new meter to be installed. That plan has been discussed with Ashley Saunders and the two of them will be making all the changes in the next few months. Once that work is completed, and we acquire the new auxiliary tank, the committee will be ready to replace the roof over the reservoir next summer.
Community Property:
Nothing new to report
Just days before the grass eating carp were to be delivered Mike Goza asked Shawn about permits for them. Shawn checked into it and found that we do indeed need permits to place such fish in the lakes. Shawn has now completed all the paperwork for the permit and they are on the desk of the county biologist. The problem is that these permits are only issued in the spring of each year so we will have to wait until next year to get the fish.
Shawn is still working toward having a comprehensive plan for lake improvements to present at next years annual meeting. But some options have been ruled out. For example, aeration is no longer a viable option because the lakes are to shallow. It is looking more and more like we will have to use some kind of product (chemical) to do most of the work. Shawn is still working with some experts and trying to determine the best way to proceed.
Terry said that he agrees with proceeding on with our “short term” maintenance planning but he wonders if we shouldn’t also start thinking longer term and some larger work plans. For example – dredging. Since the depth of the lakes is a continual issue, and this is not going to get any better, maybe we should begin investigating what it would take to dredge the lake. Everyone knows it would require many permits and working with various agencies but that might be out best overall solution. We might even be able to get some help (grants) to help maintain our waterways. After some discussion everyone present seemed to think this is something we should give further consideration to.
We will contact Kara to find out if she and her committee are beginning to make plans for the annual fall festival.
There has been no new members move in this month. It was pointed out that the Lieblings have moved back into their home after renting it for many years. Although they are certainly not new to our Community it would be good to approach them and welcome them back. Tom will handle this.
Brendan will start working on putting together the baseball game trip for our volunteers. Each Board member was asked to create a list of people who did volunteer work in 2006 and send it to Brendan and Terry.
Steve will write a newsletter up in the next week or so and have it ready for mailing with the quarterly dues.
Emergency Preparedness:
There is nothing new to report. This group has not gotten going this year as expected. We need to see what we can do to get things rolling. Rod reported that he and his wife have signed up for the 8 week course this fall. Maybe this will help get things going.
There is nothing to report in this area which is good news!
Old Business:
There was items to discuss from our last meeting.
New Business:
No new business was brought up.
The next meeting is scheduled for September 19th.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.