Four Lakes Landowners Association
Board of Directors
November 16th, 2006
In attendance: Tara Bingham, Rod Case, Terry Deschenes, Shawn Mulqueeney
Not Able to Attend: Mark Achzenick, Kit Nau, Tom Price, Steve Scott, Denise Jones
President Terry Deschenes called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. at his home. The minutes for October were approved.
The Board discussed extension of the voting period for changes to our Covenants and By Laws. An e-mail poll of all Board members had been sent out by Terry and is was unanimously agreed to extend the voting period until all members who have not yet voted could contacted and a ballot solicited.
Terry has received notification from Denise Jones that she has now moved from our Community and therefore can no longer serve on the Board. Her resignation was accepted by the Board.
Shawn presented an updated financial report. All expenditures and dues collections are normal. There has been one special expenditure with the construction of the walking path. Because Association members did the work this project came in well under budget. Shawn also noted that he is now charging past due fees for accounts that not paid up on time.
Committee Reports:
Mark was not able to attend but Terry reviewed recent activity by this committee:
· John Olson reached an agreement with a contractor to do the maintenance paving on all major areas of concern. The contractor still hopes to finish the work this year but is waiting for a day or two of decent weather. The recent freezing weather followed by record breaking rain has prevented them from proceeding.
· Despite a very nasty day on Nov. 4th a number of association members worked all day to complete a majority of the safety project at the 3 way stop intersection. The walking path was built extending from 237th Ave. west along the fence on Morris’s property to their driveway. It looks really great. In addition, 5 panels of the fence on the Liebling property were moved back several feet. This provides a much better line of sight for cars coming from the north into the intersection. All that needs to be done now is to paint the crosswalk lines. This will be done as soon as the pavement is dry enough for painting.
It was agreed that Terry would send a note of Thanks to each association member who participated in this work party.
There was no report from the water committee, however it was noted that Evan is currently looking for an engineer who will do drawings for a new roof over the reservoir.
Community Property:
Rick Ward reported to Terry that some gravel left over from the new walkway was put on the community property parking area. More is needed.
Rick is also looking for bids on replacing the roof over the gazebo.
Shawn stated that there is really nothing new to report. He and his committee are still looking at options for dealing with the lakes. At this time they definitely plan on doing some aeration next year. They have also received prices for grass eating carp. There target is to have a proposed plan to present to the Board next year. This topic will definitely be a topic of discussion at the annual meeting and probably the subject of a newsletter article in the near future.
All three events were completed very successfully this year.
Tom is about to extend formal “Welcomes” to new members of the Association. It was agreed that he should spend $10 or so to make a small gift for each.
Old Business:
By-Laws/CC&Rs amendments.
The second presentation of the revised documents is now being voted on. We currently have 58 votes. To validate the election we need 61 votes. To pass the revisions we need 61 YES votes. A list of members who have not yet voted was reviewed. It was agreed to personally contact approximately 20 of those who have not yet voted. This list will be reassigned to Board members who are asked to contact directly each person on their list. We have hopes of getting 12 to 15 more votes.
New Business:
Concerns from Holly Solmanson.
Holly has voiced several concerns/ideas for the Board to consider:
1. She found a mutated frog as she was walking in our community the other day. She is concerned that our area may be impacted by toxic chemicals. Terry responded that our well water is tested regularly and no toxic chemicals found.
2. Holly and her husband saw the work party on Nov. 4th and were impressed with member’s willingness to work on such a nasty day. Due to her husbands disability they are not able to participate in such an effort. But they would be very willing to make a special contribution to help defray the costs. Terry said that all such contributions would be gratefully accepted.
3. She suggested that a notice be posted when construction is about to begin on a property. She was concerned when trees on the Holecek property were removed as construction on their new house began. Terry responded that such notices would be gladly posted on the community bulletin board if property owners will notify us ahead of time.
Annual Meeting
It is time to start planning for the 2007 annual meeting. It was agreed that we will shoot for a date in mid February. Tom Price will be asked to schedule a meeting room. Terry agreed to run for another 3 year term. Tara said she would definitely consider running again but would not know for sure until the first of the year. Shawn will start building a proposed budget. Further plans will be made at our next meeting.
Next Meeting:
It was agreed that we do not need to meet in December. The next meeting was set for 7:00 PM on January 18th at Deschenes’
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:15.