Four Lakes Landowners Association
Board of Directors
May 18th, 2006
In attendance: Mark Achzenick Rod Case Terry Deschenes Shawn Mulqueeney Kit Nau Tom Price Steve Scott
Not Able to Attend: Denise Jones
Guests: Evan Lurton
President Terry Deschenes called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. at the gazebo. A motion was made and seconded that the minutes from the previous meeting be accepted as revised. The motion passed.
Shawn provided a Treasures report which was passed around for all to review. He reported that accounts have been set up at BECU and he is now ready to move all of our money to that establishment. Shawn has also been working on member’s payment history and will have a full report of accounts in arrears at the next meeting. Notifications will go out with the July billing.
Committee Reports:
Mark reported that his committee has met but only about half the members were able to attend. Those who did went over the list of maintenance tasks. Mark will retain the leadership role for all aspects of the work to be done at the 3-way stop area. Brendon and Jan will head the effort of replacing signs and mark the speed bumps. Leadership for obtaining bids for all paving and ditch work has yet to be determined. Mark will have another meeting within two weeks to resolve this.
Mark reported that the Lieblings have indicated they are open to our proposal for moving their fence. The next step is for us to receive bids for doing the work. We would then take the best bid/proposal to the Lieblings and ask for their final OK.
A concern has been voiced to the Roads committee about a vehicle that appears to be abandoned on the road going to the well site. It is by the Van Cleave property. By all accounts it has not moved for over a year and in fact it appears garbage has been placed in it. Attempts by people in the area to identify the owner and get it removed have failed. Brendon will check the license plate tabs to see if they are current. Steve mentioned that there is a number we could call to report an abandoned vehicle if all signs point to that being the situation.
Evan was present to discuss several activities concerning the water system.
· A significant leak has been located on the Brenser (used to be Healy) property. He and Keith Renfrew dug out the area and determined the work required to repair it was significant enough to call in our contractor. The work is scheduled to be done in a few days.
· There is concern about the system shut down valve which is located across from the Prochazka property. It is very poorly located very close to a ditch and is often covered with runoff water. Evan is getting a bid on the cost to move and repair the valve.
Community Property:
Rick has decided to continue on as Chairman of this committee. That is great news. He is also seeking input from Board members on work that needs to be done. To accommodate that request several Board members meet just prior to this meeting and discussed work they felt needed to be done. The main item is the scrub brush along the road next by the small lake, between the Brenser and Clark properties. Asplundh cut some of it down last fall and now there are terrible looking stumps and brush left. It was agreed that it should be removed. This input will be passed on to Rick who has scheduled a work party for June 3rd.
Rick has been monitoring the mowing work and asked the Board for their opinion of the frequency and quality of the work being done. That input was provided.
Shawn reported that his committee will meet for the first time on May 23rd. There will also be a work party for the lakes on the 3rd also.
Shawn has purchased 3 weed rakes and hopes that this will help in our effort to control the weed growth.
Kristina sent a report that the Spring Festival was a great success.
The Fishing Derby is scheduled for June 11th.
Old Business:
By-Laws/CC&Rs amendments.
Terry reported that he has now received a reply from Craig with answers to all of the questions and comments that the subcommittee had. These answers have been reviewed by the subcommittee and it is generally felt that we are now ready to proceed with creating the final proposed document. The Board discussed next step and agreed that we must next send out a copy of the proposed documents to all Association members and ask for their questions and comments. Once we have passed that step we will be able to have call for a vote.
New Business:
Board operating rules.
The proposed Mission Statement, 2006 Goals and Operating Guidelines had been distributed to all members of the Board earlier. Discussion ensued about various aspects of these. Some minor changes were made. It was agreed to accept them at this time.
Part of the Operating Guidelines included six areas of focus. It was agreed that each area would be “adopted” by a Board member as their special interest area. The areas and Board member are:
1. Finance – – Denise
2. Hospitality – – Tom
3. Rules – – Rod
4. Legal – – Terry
5. Volunteer Coordinator – – Kit
6. Communications – – Steve
There being now further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.