2006 June Meeting Minutes

Four Lakes Landowners Association

Board of Directors

June 15th,  2006

In attendance:             Mark Achzenick, Terry Deschenes, Denise Jones, Shawn Mulqueeney, Tom Price, Steve Scott

Not Able to Attend:   Rod Case, Kit Nau,

President Terry Deschenes called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. at his home.  A motion was made and seconded that the minutes from the previous meeting be accepted as revised.  The motion passed. 

Committee Reports:


Mark reported that he is working to have a meeting of his committee next week in order to firm up assignments for the securing bids on work that has been planned. Mark is also looking for landscapers, at least 3, to provide bids for putting the trail in at the intersection.


Evan was present to discuss several activities concerning the water system.

·        Work was completed that day on the shut off valve located across from Prochazka.   

·        Evan brought the reinforcing rod, with blue tips, to mark shut off boxes on the various properties.  These are going to be installed by various members of the water committee.

Community Property

The work party last Saturday got some of the work done that needed to be dealt with, though there are still tasks that remain to be completed. It was agreed that Rick and Shawn would compile a list of those people who came out for the work party and we would send them thank you notes and be sure to mention their names in the next news letter. It was also discussed that we would list the incomplete items and solicit volunteers in the next news letter.  


Shawn reported that he had success with the weed rakes he purchased for removing weeds from the lakes. The problem is that he was only able to reach about 10’ from the shore. He was able to successfully clear the area in front of the community property beach. He next wants to try the small pond across from the big lake outlet to see if he will be able to remove the lily pads.

His committee has been busy gathering additional information to formulate a plan for the lakes. To this end, they have found a woman at King County who is providing them with a wealth of information about chemical, mechanical and dredging as alternative means to improve the lakes. All take permits. All require that we begin now if we are going to be able to do anything next year.


Tom reported that the Fishing Derby went off well and a good time was had by all. Smaller crowd than last year.

Finance: Denise

Denise was asked to be responsible for balancing the checkbook on a monthly basis. Shawn agreed that this would provides a reasonable check and balance on the community funds.

Denise also indicated that she and Matt were going to be moving in the Fall to a condo in downtown Bellevue. Everyone expressed real regret at her leaving the neighborhood.

Hospitality: Tom

Tom has come up with a plan to meet and greet any new neighbor.

“For the welcoming, just some addl thoughts, I’d like to be able to bring to our new neighbor a bottle of wine and a card like invitation to attend one of our monthly meetings, signed of course by each of our board members.

A welcome packet would include our 4 lakes directory, a brief history of the community as well as local attractions,  also, briefly who we are and where were headed with the community.  Perhaps a 4 lakes calendar, (something I’d like to have more community input in for the next one) and whatever you can think of to welcome the newcomer.

The plan was enthusiastically adopted.

Legal: Terry

The plan for the By-Laws and CC&Rs is described below.

Volunteers: Kit

No report at this time, but there was talk of asking Kit to look for additional people to assist on the Community Property Committee. (It only has 3 members at present.) We will also need to consider finding a replacement for Denise this fall.

Communications: Steve

Briefly discussed working toward having a regular newspaper. A suggestion was made to include articles about and by the kids in the neighborhood.

Old Business:   

By-Laws/CC&Rs amendments

Terry reported he has the final draft of the By-Laws and CC&Rs back from the attorney. He showed a copy he had formatted specifically for distribution for the neighborhood. The current plan is to mail a copy of both documents to all the members along, a ballot asking them to accept or reject the documents and a letter from the Board:

·        Describing the process that we have been through and that the Board endorses the revisions.

·        Setting a meeting date for a discussion.

·        A summary of the changes that the revisions are making.

Terry will email the entire package to the Board prior to distribution to the membership.

Board operating rules.

·        Terry apologized for not having the rewrite ready for this meeting but would have completed for the next meeting.

Next Meeting:

The next meeting was set for 7:00 PM July 13th, at the gazebo, weather permitting else at Deschenes’

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:15.