Four Lakes Landowners Association
Board of Directors
January 12th, 2006
In attendance:
Rod Case
Terry Deschenes
Matt Jones
Lee Koger
Shawn Mulqueeney
Kit Nau
Tom Price
Steve Scott
Rick Ward
President Shawn Mulqueeney called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in his home. The minutes from the previous meeting were discussed briefly and several changes to those originally distributed were noted. A motion was made and seconded that the minutes be accepted as revised. The motion passed.
Matt routed a new financials report. He is in the middle of posting a number of checks and doesn’t have the final numbers for 2005. It was also noted that interest postings are not up to date. He doesn’t foresee any problem with our budget. A draft 2006 budget was presented and will be discussed during the meeting.
Committee Reports:
Roads: Rod reported that the expanded committee (Jake Bender and Jan Pelroy have joined) met earlier in the week. The proposed solution for pedestrian safety at the 3-way intersection was discussed again and agreed upon. The main aspects are to install stop signs on all three roads, paint crosswalks across each road by its stop sign, and to build a graveled walkway along the fence on the Morris property. The committee has produced two conceptual pictures of this solution and they were routed for each Board member to view. Generally, everyone liked the proposed solution. Tom has some concern that the crosswalks might be too much “in your face” and asked if there was an acceptable toned down alternative. Matt also requested that the crosswalk in front of his house not originate right in the middle of his driveway. Rod noted these two concerns and will take them to the Roads committee.
Rod also stated that the committee went over the entire list of maintenance items. With the money already set aside in past years, and with another $4,000 as requested in the 2006 budget, it appears they will be able to complete most if not all of the items this year. The committee is going to meet again on Saturday the 21st and do a thorough walk around to view every part of our road system together. This may result in additional items being added to our maintenance list. Especially up on the hill where Jan Pelroy noted several areas in need of repair.
Board members brought up several other items:
· It was suggested that we look at doing some ditching along the Morris property and try to eliminate the situation that water flows across the road between Morris and Clark.
· Paula Clark has called about a culvert that she says is under her driveway and is plugged up.
Water: Evan reported to Shawn that the two leaks previously discussed have now been repaired. The new service provider did a very thorough job with minimal service interruption. Since the lines were “opened” during the repair work the system was chlorinated just in case of any back flow contamination. That has now been completed also.
Community Property: Rick reported that with the unusually heavy rains we have had for the last 3 weeks the drainage along the community property is strained but seems to be handling the overflow better than it has in previous such periods.
Rick was asked about the new Community sign. He said that the young man doing the work has been busy with other things during the last few months and hasn’t made much progress. It now appears to be a springtime completion date.
Lakes: Shawn said there has been no meeting of this committee yet but that it will definitely become more active as soon as he is off the Board and has a little free time. In the meantime, he requested an entry in the 2006 budget for the same amount as 2005. He does not anticipate any major purchases of equipment for weed control in 2006. He believes they will spend their time forming aggressive plans for the coming years.
Entertainment: No report.
Old Business:
Ø Board Member Responsibilities.
Terry has received feedback from several Board members and feels he can now finalize the document. It was agreed that Terry, Shawn and Steve would meet soon to formulate that final document so that it can be presented at the annual meeting.
Ø By-Laws/CC&Rs amendments.
We still haven’t heard from the lawyer. It was agreed that we should discuss the general concept at the annual meeting and ask for comments from the membership. We will continue working with the lawyer to develop a final revision proposal to present to the membership at some time in the future.
Ø Fourlakes Annual meeting.
Tom has reserved the police station meeting room for Thursday February 16th. Shawn stated that the prerequisite announcement letter with proxy would be sending out on the 17th. The meeting will begin at 7:00 pm but all Board members should be there no later than 6:30 to help with setup. Shawn will contact Kristina about refreshments.
New Business:
Ø Picnic request.
Rod reported that he had been asked by Jan Pelroy to see if the Board had any objections to Jan using the community property for a car club picnic in June. He knows he can simply make reservations with out getting our permission. However, there is a little twist to his request. His group will have just completed the national car gathering in Seattle and Jan is going to invite the Triumph club to come out for the picnic and bring all their cars. They would like to park them in the field. Knowing that these are very responsible people, and that they would not do anything to damage our property (or their cars) the Board agreed with his request. The Board did discuss insurance needs for this kind of event. Rod said he would pass this issue on to Jan.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm. There will not be a regular meeting in February due to the annual meeting on the 16th.