Four Lakes Landowners Association
Board of Directors
September 15th, 2005
In attendance:
Rod Case, Terry Deschenes, Lee Koger, Shawn Mulqueeney, Tom Price
Not able to attend:
Matt Jones, Kit Nau, Steve Scott, Rick Ward
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. at the home of Shawn & Kara Mulqueeney. The minutes from the previous meeting were discussed briefly. A motion was made and seconded that the minutes be accepted as originally distributed. The motion passed.
Matt was not able to attend the meeting and therefore there was no Treasurer’s report. Shawn stated that there have been no major expenditures except for the planned work done on the cottonwood trees. He feels we are looking good with the budget.
Committee Reports:
Roads: Mark is out of town so there was no report. The committee has not met yet but will get feedback from the community at our Harvest Festival in October. In the meantime, Shawn said that Mark plans to talk with Maples Tree Service about removal of the large firs at the main three-way stop intersection.
Water: No formal report this month.
Community Property: No formal report this month. Rick does plan on talking with Tyler Johnson about the mowing work that has been done.
Lakes: No formal report this month.
Entertainment: Kit and Kristina Achzenick along with several other ladies from the community are working hard to put together a great fall event this year. It will be held on October 8th and will feature many fun events and games for all community members to enjoy. There will also be a chili contest, a harvest dessert contest, etc. It is shaping up to be a great event. After the events we will conduct a short (probably about 1 hour) community meeting to discuss one key item – – the situation at the three way stop. We will ask for issues, suggestions, ideas, etc. from everyone who attends. The feedback received will be a significant guideline for the Roads Committee in future actions.
Each Board member signed up to contact 8 other community families to remind them of the event and to encourage them to stay for the Roads discussion.
Old Business:
Ø Board Member Responsibilities.
Terry is working up some ideas for discussion at a future meeting but is not quite ready yet. He also wants to open the discussion when more Board members are available to participate in the discussion.
Ø Attorney contact regarding By-Laws and roads issues.
Shawn said that he has not yet met with the Attorney to discuss these things yet. He does know that the Attorney has spent an hour or more reading our Community Covenants. He needs more time to look in depth at these documents and also to study the roads issues. He has agreed to come to a Board meeting to present his thoughts and recommendations.
New Business:
Ø New neighbors to the North (adjacent to Kit Nau) update.
Kit was not able to attend the meeting and therefore did not give the Board an update as planned.
Ø Mac Bean, an Issaquah youth working on his Eagle Scout level with Terry D., came to the meeting to discuss his project. He has submitted a proposal to the Scout leaders to create a new bulletin board/map for our community. He provided a drawing for the proposed layout. The Board discussed this project with Mac and provided several suggestions for change and help in acquiring materials. Mac is currently working with Larry Hoganson to obtain the needed materials through Lowe’s at a reduced price. He noted our ideas and will report back at a later date. He plans on having the project completed this year.
President Shawn Mulqueeney adjourned the meeting at 8:00 pm. Next meeting is scheduled for October 20th – site to be determined.