Four Lakes Landowners Association
Board of Directors
May 12th 2005
In attendance:
Rod Case, Terry Deschenes, Lee Koger, Matt Jones, Shawn Mulqueeney, Kit Nau,
Tom Price, Steve Scott
Not able to attend:
Rick Ward
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 p.m. at the home of Lee and Shirley Koger. After the water system report (see below) the minutes from the previous meeting were discussed briefly. A motion was made and seconded that the minutes be accepted. The motion passed.
Matt made a short Treasurers report. Bills are all paid and expenses are coming in as anticipated in the budget.
Committee Reports:
Water: Evan was present to lead a discussion concerning the probability that a cell tower will be placed very close to our wellhead. Owners of the property (not Four Lakes) just to the SE of the well site plan to allow a Cingular tower to be placed on their property. Evan has discussed this with our water management person (Ellen) and she does not see any health or water quality issues with this. The only legal restriction is that the tower must be at least 100’ away from our wellhead and it appears to be at least that far. Therefore, it appears our only concern is the possibility of road improvements being made to install and maintain the tower. This could lead to easier access from outside our community to the well site. We have had a cable gate across the primitive road from the adjacent property but it was damaged during the windstorm. After some discussion it was agreed that we would request that Cingular place a new gate across that road in order to restrict traffic onto our property. If they will not do that then we will at least repair the existing cable gate. Evan also noted that using Cingular cell service for the security system that he is installing might be a benefit to us. It was agreed that we would request that Cingular give us a free cell line for this purpose.
Evan has sent a special information packet to all Association members. It contains water conservation information as well as the annual report on our water system and the quality tests. Last year we had not failed tests at all which is great. Overall the system is in great shape. The Board thanked Evan for the wonderful job he is doing with the system.
Roads: Mark is in the process of getting bids for the work they hope to have done this year. Once he has bids he will assemble the entire committee and they will make decisions on which work to have done.
Kit reported that roads meeting for the entire 4 Creeks district will be held on May 18th at 7:00 pm in the Maple Valley Alliance Church. Mark and she will be attending. Scott and Rod said they might also attend.
Community Property: We received 3 bids for the mowing contract this year. Tyler Johnson was the low bidder and has been awarded the contract. He has already done at least one mowing.
Lakes: Shawn reported that a committee meeting was held about 3 weeks ago but only Mike Goza and himself attended. They had some discussion about work that needs to be done. There will be a work party on Saturday the 21st of May. Plans call for weed pulling and possibly moving some greenery on the lakeshore.
The fishing derby is now planned for June 11th from sunup to 10 am. Breakfast will be available and there are plans for row boat races. Tom reported that the lake was stocked recently and we got a real bargain. The supplier had an over stock of fish and ended up giving us about 1/3 more fish than we ordered for the same price. We received over 600 fish. At least 500 8 – 9 inch in size, 45 were 11 – 14 inches, and 14 fish were 4 to 10 pounds. This should cause a real stir amongst the fisherman!
Tom brought up the fact that there are sterilized carp at can be put in the lake and they will eat much of the water vegetation. Steve commented that he knows that there are also two kinds of minnows that can be used to control mosquitoes. Tom agreed to contact our supplier and inquire about the cost of these special fish.
Entertainment: No report.
Easement: No report.
Old Business:
Ø As noted above, Kit provided the date and location of the special 4 Creeks district roads meeting.
New Business:
Ø Cingular tower going being placed on property next to our well site. See information above under Water Committee.
Ø Shawn reported that there was a car parked in our lot late one evening and that it was still there the next morning. Two young ladies were apparently sleeping in it. When approached and asked to move on they willingly did so. He also noted that Bluhm’s have parked their large horse trailer in the lot and left it there for a day or more. He has talked with them about the purpose of the lot being community access, school bus stop, etc. and that using it for long-term parking is not appropriate. They agreed.
President Shawn Mulqueeney adjourned the meeting at 9:35 pm. Next meeting is currently scheduled for June 9th. Several people are having trouble making meetings on the second Thursday. Shawn will assess the need of a permanent date change and let everyone know where and when we will next meet.